Stupid mistake! Was looking for a nice server. Nothing fancy, but as it was going to host *, it thought it wise, to opt for something better than a no-name machine used for everydays desktop jobs. So i checked for a dell power-edge tower server: - 3Ghz em64t cpu - 1GB memory, ECC - 80GB system and 400GB data disk - onboard GB ethernet - 5PCI-slots Thought that it would be enough for soho environment, Had a second ethernet board, ISDN-BA, and digium x101 waiting (and a TDM40 on order.) Just found out that a Dell-830 can one host ONE PCI-32/5V board... Was hoping i could see * in action this evening, guess i have to look for other system. Damn those small print! -- pgp-id: 926EBB12 pgp-fingerprint: BE97 1CBF FAC4 236C 4A73 F76E EDFC D032 926E BB12 Registered linux user: 75761 (