Hello Everyone! PhoneCALL version 2.7 http://www.vecsector.com/phonecall is finally approaching, which will be a major improvement over the past releases thanks to everyone's input & feature requests! One of the newest features to PhoneCALL is the ability for the entire interface to be translated to any language you want/need. We currently have guys working on a Spanish & Russian language file. It works by auto-detecting your language settings of your browser, and by selecting your language. The language file is rather simple to edit (if you are bilingual *grin*), and I'm asking for help translating PhoneCALL to your language of choice. Here is a sample format: /////////////////////////// // GENERAL ////////////////////////// ALL==All ADD==Add EDIT==Edit DEL==Delete FIELD==Field VALUE==Value NAME==Name DESCRIPTION==Description TENANT==Tenant If you are interested, please contact me & I'll get you started on a language file. We'd love to get as many languages as possible! :-) Thank you for your time! Dustin Wildes VecSector, LLC dustin@vecsector.com http://www.vecsector.com/phonecall