this is what I continuously see into the logs:
Oct 22 10:26:07 NOTICE[26614]: chan_sip.c:6924 handle_response: Failed
to authenticate on REGISTER to
'<sip:5304730@sip.messagenet.it>;tag=as77222f33' (tries
Oct 22 10:26:26 NOTICE[26614]: chan_sip.c:4055 sip_reg_timeout: --
Registration for '5304730@sip.messagenet.it' timed out, trying again
2005/10/22, FaberK <f.faberk@gmail.com>:> Hi,
> is there somebody using messagenet.it?
> From yesterday, I can only call out, but if somebody call me is always
> busy. I'm talking about the geo-number.
> If somebody is using this service, please let me know if you are
> experiencing something like this, too.
> Bye
> --
> .:FaberK:.