Hi Eric,
How one can make outgoing call to a SIP user sitting in the Internet when
Asterisk is not configured with Outbound Proxy to some SIP Proxy server on
the Internet for this simple scenario ?
SIP UA A ------- Asterisk -------NAT-------Internet----------- SIP UA B
I know if Asterisk is configured with Outbound proxy sitting in the
Internet, it will work.
What will happen when it is not configured with that?
Thanks in advance
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Wieling aka ManxPower [mailto:eric@fnords.org]
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 8:05 PM
To: someshwarak@tataelxsi.co.in; Asterisk Users Mailing List -
Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Stun support
someshwarak wrote:> Hi * users,
> I want to know if STUN suport is available with Asterisk.
> Kindly let me know. I have posted this also in DEV list but none replied
to> me.
Short Answer: No.
Longer Answer: No, and most people that think they need STUN don't
actually need it.
Eric Wieling * BTEL Consulting * 504-210-3699 x2120
r: Generate a ringing tone for the calling party, passing no audio from
the called channel(s) until one answers. Use with care and don't insert
this by default into all your dial statements as you are killing call
progress information for the user. Really, you almost certainly do not
want to use this. Asterisk will generate ring tones automatically where
it is appropriate to do so. "r" makes it go the next step and
additionally generate ring tones where it is probably not appropriate to
do so.