D'oh... now I see it on the end. "BYOD-Lite" is still $5.95.
Neeeeever miiiind.
Sorry. :)
On Jul 22, 2005, at 12:47 PM, Ed Pastore wrote:
> Hi. As recommended by this list, I am setting up Asterisk@Home in
> order to start learning what I need to learn in order to start
> learning how to learn how to learn Asterisk, VOIP, telephony, etc..
> Or something like that. :)
> I am following the wonderful instructions on:
> http://chayden.net/Asterisk/SeUpAsteriskAtHome.htm
> From that page, it looks like I can just get away with a $5.95/
> month BroadVoice account. After all, I'm just testing.
> But when I look at BroadVoice, they appear to have jacked up their
> rates?
> http://www.broadvoice.com/rateplans.html
> Is there no longer a $5.95 one, and/or is there another service I
> can use? I'm trying to spend as little as possible at this stage,
> but want full inbound and outbound capabilities so I can test
> everything.
> Thanks!