On 13-Jul-05, at 6:43 AM, Michael George wrote:
> I'm looking at deploying some Polycom 501's here, but one thing
> that still
> needs confirmation before I can move forward is global paging.
I just wrote an AGI for polycom paging the other day, which I'm happy
to share.
The AGI will ring a list of extension (and set the ALERT_INFO var).
Any extensions that answer within 5 seconds (ie: polycom auto answer)
will be dropped into a listen-only meetme room. All extensions will
be hung up on when the caller/pager hangs up.
You can get the AGI from here:
Asterisk-perl is required. Change the * manager access credentials:
In your extension.conf, include the following, and modify the
"extenlist" variable appropriately:
*** Sample pager extension***
exten = 9876,1,SetVar(extenlist=SIP/204&SIP/205)
exten = 9876,2,AGI(pager.agi)
exten = 9876,3,Goto(joinmeetme,pager${EXTEN},1)
exten = _pagerX.,1,MeetMe(${EXTEN:5}|Axdq)
exten = _pageX.,1,SetVar(ALERT_INFO=Ring Answer)
exten = _pageX.,2,Answer()
exten = _pageX.,3,Wait(2)
exten = _pageX.,4,MeetMe(${EXTEN:4}|mxq)
I hope you find it useful.
Ryan Courtnage
Director & CTO
Coalescent Systems Inc.
Enabling Open Source Telephony