hello all, i have already configure sip.conf and dialplan. i done the follow me script. first problem: i want to call(with kphone) someone at my extension, i must dial the extension number. i can't dial their username. 20531603@ (work) mustafa@ (call fail) is it possible to do that?? second problem: if i want to call another number (not my extension) with my kphone also fail. example if i call my mobile than it fail. where i must configure so my asterisk can do that?? my sip.conf: [general] context=default bindport=5060 bindaddr= srvlookup=yes disallow=all allow=ulaw [mustafa] type=friend secret=mustafa host=dynamic dtmfmode=inband mailbox=1604 extension.conf: exten => 20531604,1,Dial(SIP/mustafa,20) exten => 20531604,2,playback(pls-wait-connect-call) exten => 20531604,3,Setvar(NewCaller=${CALLERIDNUM}) exten => 20531604,4,SetCIDNum(0${CALLERIDNUM}) exten => 20531604,5,dial(${TRUNK}/0193041624,20,r) exten => 20531604,6,SetCIDNum(${NewCaller}) exten => 20531604,7,VoiceMail(u1604) exten => 20531604,8,Hangup can anyone give an advise or some idea?? please.. thanks.. regard: shahdan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com