Check out bug number 4375. Does this relate? 4375 is plaquing us like mad
and if I can find more people that get this too then it might move up in
David Gomillion wrote:> I am currently running stable, CVS-v1-0-05/25/05-12:07:15, with
> Polycom SIP phones, running 1.4.1.
> Too many of our transfers using the Transfer end up with zombie
> channels after a REFER. As such, I implemented # transfers, and all
> is well. Sort of.
> I have a reproducible issue. Take a call from a queue. Press #, and
> it'll transfer just fine. Now, take a call from the queue. Put them
> on hold for a couple seconds. Pick them back up and press #. They
> hear a beautiful, short, DTMF tone, nothing more.
> Is this a bug, or did I miss something in the configurations? Has
> anyone else had this problem? As far as the transfers, I found a
> message at
> http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2004-September/062080.h
> tml but there were no more messages in that thread. The other zombie
> channel transfer questions didn't seem to fit the problem, but I may
> be wrong.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> David