Earlier I was having problems getting g729 pass-thru to work correctly.
I was able to fix this by putting allow=g729 as the first allow
statement directly under the configuration of the user. I also put
allow=ulaw in there below it. It seems the second "allow" statement
totally ignored, as asterisk only negotiates codecs based on the first
It looks as if asterisk only does codec priority based on the [general]
part of the config, but I haven't seen it makes any difference as far as
negotiation goes. The first codec listed is the only codec allowed,
So, therefore, I am wondering if there is a way to force a codec to be
used in a dial plan, so when voicemail is dialed, for example, I can
force the ulaw codec instead of g729. Both codec are already listen
under the user part of the config. Yes, I know g729 licenses are cheap,
but they aren't available for my platform.
I've seen this question pop up from time to time but never have seen any
replies to it, so if you have a setup using two codecs I'd appreciate
hearing from you!