I've set up a dial plan so that outside callers hear a "Welcome"
message which asks them to enter an extension or press * to dial by name. This
works great.
I also want to allow a remote employee to interrupt the message by pressing #,
which will direct them to voicemail.
The issue I am having is that the READ command uses # as a termination symbol.
Is there any other way I can accept # as input or must I use a digit instead?
I have:
; Directory
exten => _*,1,Answer
exten => _*,2,Wait(1)
exten => _*,3,Directory(default|extensions)
exten => _*,4,Goto(incoming,s,1)
; Access Voicemail
exten => #,1,Answer
exten => #,2,Wait(1)
exten => #,3,VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => #,4,Hangup
exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,Wait(1)
exten => s,3,DigitTimeout(3) ; Set Digit Timeout to 3 seconds
exten => s,4,ResponseTimeout(5) ; Set Response Timeout to 5 seconds
exten => s,5,Read(RESP,vm-mainext,2) ; Ask for extension or * for
exten => s,6,GotoIf($[${RESP} = *]?7:8) ; Check for *
exten => s,7,Goto(extensions,_*,1) ; goto *
exten => s,8,GotoIf($[${RESP} = #]?9:10) ; Check for #
exten => s,9,Goto(extensions,#,1) ; goto #
exten => s,10,.....
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