Perhaps someone can spread i little bit light on this:
I want to trunk two Asterisk systems with each other. System A,
behind a NAT-Firewall and System B with a real IP address.
aix.conf on B:
iax.conf on A:
register => mytrunk:yyy@B
When I make a "reload" an B I get the following:
Nov 15 16:32:32 WARNING[-1244329040]: chan_iax2.c:6427
build_peer: Unable to support trunking on peer 'mytrunk'
without zaptel timing
I have downloaded the zaptel package, compiled it ( including
ztdummy, which may be what I need ) and installed it. The kernel
modules load:
ztdummy 3492 0
zaptel 228996 1 ztdummy
crc_ccitt 2176 1 zaptel
I don't know how to configure zaptel ( /etc/zaptel.conf )
to get this to work. I have no hardware, I only want timing
for the IAX2 trunk ( and later on for Conference calls ). I
have also read about the rtc package but have not tried it.
I may have overseen very basic things... Please enlighten me!
Regards: H?kan
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