I have a problem for asterisk-oh323.
when I apelle with a phone sip and that the termination and in h323.
I have this error message
cleared, reason 24 (Call ended with Q.931 cause [28 - Invalid number
I using the latest version for asterisk, openh323 and pwlib.
my config is.
Version: 0.7.3
Listening on address:
Gatekeeper used: No gatekeeper
FastStart/H245Tunnelling/H245inSetup: OFF/OFF/OFF
Supported formats in pref. order: ulaw<0>
Jitter buffer limits (min/max): 20-100 ms
TCP port range: 10000 - 20000
UDP (RAS) port range: 10000 - 20000
UDP (RTP) port range: 10000 - 20000
IP Type-of-Service value: 0
User input mode: tone
Max number of inbound H.323 calls: 100
Max number of outbound H.323 calls: 100
Max number of simultaneous H.323 calls: 100
Max call rate (ingress direction): 1.00/30
Default language: en
Default music class: default
Default context: default