All I've suddenly lost incoming audio on my FWD connection. It worked fine up until Wed when all of the sudden my calls would complete but I couldn't hear any audio (I could see the status of the call on the CLI and could see that my call was using bandwidth on the ethernet switch and router). I swear I didn't change any of the configuration or even restart *, but all the sudden the audio stopped. I'm running asterisk from 6/21. Below are the relevant parts of my sip.conf. My * box is on a local network behind a router/NAT firewall. I have UDP port 5060 forwarded to my * box, and 5060 set as a trigger port opening 10000-20000 UDP. Does anyone have any ideas for me to try? Please? Thanks in advance for your help. [general] port = 5060 bindaddr = localnet= disallow = all allow = gsm allow = ulaw allow = alaw context=fromsip maxexpirey=180 defaultexpirey=160 tos=reliability srvlookup=yes register => [fwd] type=friend secret=secret username=414064 fromuser=414064 dtmfmode=inband nat=yes canreinvite=no insecure=very context=mainmenu