this must be a very faq, but wiki and google are not yielding much except for the appended message. i want the tone, which i am currently producing with PlayTones(dial) to stop when the caller hits a key. as in exten => s,1,Answer exten => s,2,DigitTimeout,5 exten => s,3,ResponseTimeout,10 exten => s,4,PlayTones(dial) include => parkedcalls exten => _42,1,SetVar(mailbox=001) exten => _42,2,Macro(fwd-call,${EXTEN}) randy --- Subject: [Asterisk-Users] new application Dialtone() Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 16:16:49 -0700 From: "Surfer Dude" <> Reply-To: Organization: Swell, Inc. To: <> Hello, I created a new application for myself called Dialtone() by modifing res/res_indications.c file. It can be used as such: exten => s,4,Dialtone(30|${CALLERIDNUM}) exten => s,5,Playback(time-exceeded) exten => s,6,Goto(s|1) It will stutter if you have new voicemail and you have passed the mailbox number as I did above. It will stop dialtone the moment you press a key or the timeout (in seconds) has occured. This is my first stab at asterisk so I am not 100% that this is where the code should live. If there is someone out there that wants to add it to (*) then please feel free. I can send you the whole file if you need. I needed this application because I need to set immediate=yes so that I can set some variables when the phone is picked up. Thanks, Jason