I cannot remember where I found this...I thought it was in
/usr/src/asterisk/doc or perhaps in /var/log/asterisk that this appeared:
Queue Log Information
In order to properly manage ACD queues, it is important to be able to
keep track of details of call setups and teardowns in much greater detail
than traditional call detail records provide. In order to support this,
extensive and detailed tracing of every queued call is stored in the
queue log, located (by default) in /var/log/asterisk/queue_log.
These are the events (and associated information) in the queue log:
The caller abandoned their position in the queue. The position is the
caller's position in the queue when they hungup, the origposition is
the original position the caller was when they first entered the
queue, and the waittime is how long the call had been waiting in the
queue at the time of disconnect.
The agent dumped the caller while listening to the queue announcement.
The agent logged in. The channel is recorded.
The agent logged off. The channel is recorded, along with the total time
the agent was logged in.
The caller was connected to an agent, and the call was terminated normally
by the *agent*. The caller's hold time and the length of the call are both
recorded. The caller's original position in the queue is recorded in
The caller was connected to an agent, and the call was terminated normally
by the *caller*. The caller's hold time and the length of the call are both
recorded. The caller's original position in the queue is recorded in
The configuration has been reloaded (e.g. with asterisk -rx reload)
The caller was connected to an agent. Hold time represents the amount
of time the caller was on hold.
A call has entered the queue. URL (if specified) and Caller*ID are placed
in the log.
The caller elected to use a menu key to exit the queue. The key and
the caller's position in the queue are recorded.
The caller was on hold too long and the timeout expired.
The queueing system has been started for the first time this session.
A call was answered by an agent, but the call was dropped because the
channels were not compatible.
Caller was transferred to a different extension. Context and extension
are recorded.
I was not good (and neither were my users) at converting the time variables
in our heads...so I crafted a dirty little script (I am sure someone could
write something better...but this is what I can pull off in a shell script)
that runs every five minutes and writes a text file we serve up to our
Asterisk users with Apache:
<script begin>
cat $INFILE | while read LOGENTRY
RAWLOGDATE=`echo $LOGENTRY | gawk -F "|" {'print $2'} | gawk
-F . {'print
FORMATLOGDATE=`date -d "1970-01-01 UTC +$RAWLOGDATE sec"
+"%Y-%m-%d %T %Z" `
QUEUE=`echo $LOGENTRY | gawk -F "|" {'print $3'} `
P1=`echo $LOGENTRY | gawk -F "|" {'print $4'} `
P2=`echo $LOGENTRY | gawk -F "|" {'print $5'} `
P3=`echo $LOGENTRY | gawk -F "|" {'print $6'} `
P4=`echo $LOGENTRY | gawk -F "|" {'print $7'} `
P5=`echo $LOGENTRY | gawk -F "|" {'print $8'} `
P6=`echo $LOGENTRY | gawk -F "|" {'print $9'} `
echo "$FORMATLOGDATE $QUEUE $P1 $P2 $P3 $P4 $P5 "
<script end>
I hope this helps.
At 07:53 AM 3/30/2004, MIS wrote:
>Can anyone tell me the field definitions for the queue_log file in the
>Asterisk log directory?
Jeff Crews
Eastern Oregon Net, Inc.
La Grande Oregon
Email jcrews@eoni.com
Voice 541-963-2625 or 800-785-7873, extension 11
personal efax 503-907-6704
standard company fax 541-962-7818
web http://www.eoni.com
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