My set up is like this
When I'm calling into asterisk from a cell phone, there's no dtmf
detection problem as asterisk can detect correct extensions that I press. But
when the phone is further connected to the AnalogPhone thru the ATA, the dtmf
signal is really short/weak. I've tried to adjust dtmf lengths, gain, etc.
on the ATA and it helps a little bit, but not much. And this seems to be a
problem only if I call in from a cell phone. If I were to use a SIP phone to
call in, it works much better.
Is there a way to make Asterisk to regenerate the DTMF tones to improve the DTMF
tones? Such as making it interpret the DTMF tones and regenerate it w/ a certain
length regardless of original signal length. The reason I want to DTMF comes to
AnalogPhone clearly is because I want to ultimately connect it to a FXSFXO
converter and go back out to PSTN line.
Thank you
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