If you're serious about Apple and Linux and Asterisk, Kai Staats might be
worth talking to. He runs an Apple shop and has done some work in this area.
Below is my e-mail from some time back, along with his reply...
Charlie Hatchette
PS: We did NOT end up using Apple hardware, though TerraSoft probably would
have done a nice job, if had we gone in that direction.
Kai Staats [mailto:kstaats@terrasoftsolutions.com]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:15 AM
To: chatchette@generalcare.com
Subject: Re: Follow-up to our initial meeting
> Kai,
> I've been doing a bit of research, and it appears that the Apple
> isn't really appropriate for my efforts. According to comments on the
> Asterisk-users mailgroup, there may be serious issues with availability of
> hardware drivers, and the (important) G.729 codec for voice compression
> won't run on Apple hardware. Proceeding with development on the
> you have recommended could mean I'm one of only three or four examples
> the Western hemisphere with this particular type of setup...
> Charlie
Does your research refer to Apple's Mac OSX? or YDL? Which 'hardware
Digium's cards are fully functional with YDL. Tell me more about G.729 and
how/where it plays a part in this project and we can look into it.