I have just completed a set of voice files in Dutch, plus a patch that forces Asterisk to sane (i.e. Dutch ;-)) behaviour when composing dates, times, numbers, etcetera. The current release, 0.0.1, is a sort of pre-release - some known issues have been identified, but I nevertheless would like to have some feedback so we can do a minimum number of polishing rounds. The patch is a bit brute-force (but then, so is say.c), I'm just keeping it that way until I have a good overview of what is necessary to make Asterisk speak more than one language and then I'll attempt to create something less messy. http://www.tric.nl/nl/Asterisk has links. The site is in Dutch, of course ;-). Hth, Cees -- Cees de Groot http://www.tric.nl <cg@tric.nl> tric, the new way helpdesk/ticketing software, VoIP/CTI, web applications, custom development