On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 02:20:22AM -0500, Darran Wilson
wrote:> Could someone give me some info on "ztdummy" or
"rtcdummy"... I was directed towards the old lists looking for that.
I'm trying to setup an H323 conference and I was told I know I need a dummy
zaptel device....
I did it somehow successfully last night - that is, I think I did, but I
didn't have any users to test it with, beside myself.
Pick up the zaptel module from the CVS repository. (Follow the same
instructions as for asterisk, but write "co zaptel" or "checkout
zaptel"). Make sure you have your kernel sources in /usr/src/linux, or
/usr/src/linux-2.4, otherwise change the zaptel Makefile appropriately.
Run make, make install and modprobe ztdummy.
Then recompile Asterisk: you will get the Meetme app. Now just
uncomment the example from extensions.conf, and it should work!