./configure --prefix=$RUN_SSH --with-ldflags=-L$PATH_ZLIB
--with-ssl-dir=$PATH_SSL --with-cflags="-I$PATH_ZLIB_INCLUDE"
"Stephan Hendl" <Stephan.Hendl at lds.brandenburg.de> sur
16/11/2000 14:06:10
Pour : openssh-unix-dev at mindrot.org
cc : (ccc : Philippe WILLEM/CER59/REC)
Objet : Antw: openssh zlib error
either copy the files from /opt/zlib/lib to /usr/lib and /opt/zlib/include to
/usr/include, respectively or create some links. That is not fine but it works.
I am interestet in a general solution too.
LDS Brandenburg
Dr. Stephan Hendl
fon: +49-(0)331-39 471
fax: +49-(0)331-27548 1187
EMail: stephan.hendl at lds.brandenburg.de
>>> "Koller Bianca (ISS ITO R)" <Bianca.Koller at
infineon.com> 16.11.2000 12:47:39
hi all,
my system:
hpux 10.20
zlib 1.1.3 -> /opt/zlib
openssl-0.9.6 ->/opt/openssl
added LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/zlib
added PATH /opt/zlib
try to configure openssh
./configure --prefix=/opt/openssh --with-ssl-dir=/opt/openssl
Error: zlib missing
Where can i specify the path where zlib is installed?
Koller Bianca