Here is the initial release:
I am very new to git so I hope I managed to get the repo setup properly.
The repo is branched from 'disklib' as I plan to use it for all disk
read/write access (I'm currently using modified gpllib/disk/* -- see
README for ext2fs module.
* Description
A sample module to exercise the EXT2FS library.
* Compiling
* Just type 'make' and then copy 'ext2fs.c32' to your SYSLINUX
* Usage
Usage: ext2fs.c32 /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] cmd cmd-options
e.g. /dev/hda1 would be the first partition of the first (discovered)
* Display a text file
ext2fs.c32 /dev/hdb1 cat /root/file.txt
* Copy a file
ext2fs.c32 /dev/hdb1 cp /root/file.txt /root/newfile.txt
* Display a directory
ext2fs.c32 /dev/hdb1 ls /boot
* Make a directory
ext2fs.c32 /dev/hdb1 mkdir /foo
* Remove a file
ext2fs.c32 /dev/hdb1 rm /root/file.txt
* WARNING, Caveat Emptor!!!
* Use this at YOUR OWN RISK.
* KNOWN BUGS (As of Wed Aug 25 14:09:33 PDT 2010)
* SYSLINUX does cache file entries so don't write to your boot disk.
This can be fixed in the future by exporting a SYSLINUX API to force
it to invalidate/flush its cache.
* For disk read/write I am currently using modified gpllib/disk/*
These changes will probably break other modules and I plan to revert
when I switch to the new "disklib" branch in the very near future.
* Under QEMU, I create a 10G image and installed Ubuntu 10.04 (EXT4)
and can not get a directory of "/etc"
* Copy a file uses hard-coded file permissions &755, gid=uid=0)
* Questions, comments, Bug reports (Patches appreciated!)
* donhiatt(at)gmail(dot)com