Hi all,
I have pushed out a SYSLINUX 3.30-pre1. The main difference versus
earlier versions is that this version contains a *preview* of a VESA
graphical menu system (vesamenu.c32); it's used the same way as
menu.c32, with the addition of a few more commands (which can also be
used in menu.c32 in this new version):
... loads a background image in PNG format.
MENU COLOR name ansi fg bg
... sets color <name> to <ansi> when used in text mode, or on the
console, and to ARGB colors <fg> and <bg> in graphics mode. For
example, #ffffffff is white with full opacity; #00000000 is fully
transparent. One of the defaults (see below) would thus be written:
menu color sel 0;7;37;40 #cf101010 #20ff8000
The current color names and defaults are currently as follows (from the
source code):
* The color/attribute indexes (\1#XX) are as follows
* 00 - screen Rest of the screen
* 01 - border Border area
* 02 - title Title bar
* 03 - unsel Unselected menu item
* 04 - hotkey Unselected hotkey
* 05 - sel Selection bar
* 06 - hotsel Selected hotkey
* 07 - scrollbar Scroll bar
* 08 - tabmsg Press [Tab] message
* 09 - cmdmark Command line marker
* 10 - cmdline Command line
* 11 - pwdborder Password box border
* 12 - pwdheader Password box header
* 13 - pwdentry Password box contents
* 14 - timeout_msg Timeout message
* 15 - timeout Timeout counter
static const struct color_table default_color_table[] = {
{ "screen", "0;37;40", 0x80ffffff, 0x00000000 },
{ "border", "0;30;44", 0x40000000, 0x00000000 },
{ "title", "1;36;44", 0xc00090f0, 0x00000000 },
{ "unsel", "0;37;44", 0x90ffffff, 0x00000000 },
{ "hotkey", "1;37;44", 0xffffffff, 0x00000000 },
{ "sel", "0;7;37;40", 0xcf101010, 0x20ff8000 },
{ "hotsel", "1;7;37;40", 0xff353535, 0x20ff8000 },
{ "scrollbar", "0;30;44", 0x40000000, 0x00000000 },
{ "tabmsg", "0;31;40", 0x90ffff00, 0x00000000 },
{ "cmdmark", "1;36;40", 0xc000ffff, 0x00000000 },
{ "cmdline", "0;37;40", 0xc0ffffff, 0x00000000 },
{ "pwdborder", "0;30;47", 0x80ffffff, 0x20ffffff },
{ "pwdheader", "0;31;47", 0x80ff8080, 0x20ffffff },
{ "pwdentry", "0;30;47", 0x80ffffff, 0x20ffffff },
{ "timeout_msg", "0;37;40", 0x80ffffff, 0x00000000 },
{ "timeout", "1;37;40", 0xc0ffffff, 0x00000000 },