Assuming you have got the arguments for add_item in the correct order
and the correct number, you should try replacing "*memdisk/memdisk
....IMg*" with "memdisk/memdisk....IMg", i.e. remove the * in
command to run. If you think the problem is somewhere else, let me know
and we can see what the problem is.
BTW, did you write the C code yourself or use the enclosed python script
(see latest syslinux pre-release) to generate the C code from a .MENU file?
- Murali
Daniel Jose Chavez Urdaneta wrote:
>Now I'm trying to implement the complex menu system, which I can't.
I figure
>out how it works, but I don't now where I'm wrong. I think that the
>is in this sentence, in the Kernel parameter:
> add_item("<I>magenes","Option para la descarga de
>I can load the GUI and change/add items, but when I try to load an Image
>just like in the simple menu, I can't figure it out. How can I do to
>this floppy Image?