percy wegner
2004-Sep-24 11:30 UTC
[syslinux] :)) Are the potential target of the virus n_,ow?
Then, turning to his sister: -----Original Message----- From: colin bird [mailto:syslinux at] To: percy wegner; darren russel; nestor left; houston callender; rocco daggett Sent: Friday, February, 2004 2:24 AM Subject: Are the potential target of the virus n_.ow? The l`o,w price on , Allegra, Xe^ni_cal, Xa,_na^x, c~a~rdura and Ultracet is am~^azi,ng. And the m,_ed`s do sell themselves and n^^o m'or^e sales n~e.eded at all. The back pain is killing me from time to time. As a person with chronic pain I just n'e-ed to take certain m-_ed.s frequently. I don't thi.n^k I am addicted to any m__ed^s but certainly others might thi'n,k I am. As for o-n~line o-rde,'r for pain relief, all the worries are all gone. Thanks for all your efforts. --Jason H. FL knejsendes 17misilkrydseren07 midtpunktethandskerum kavaleriernes