Hello I have a 120GB usb2.0 disk that my two computers cant boot using bios. I have partitioned as follows: /dev/sda1 Win95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/sda2 Win95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/sda3 Win95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/sda4 extended /dev/sda5 Linux boot-x86 /dev/sda6 Linux boot-ppc /dev/sda7 Linux swap /dev/sda8 Linux root-x86 /dev/sda9 Linux root-ppc I have no problem installing using chroot the x86-linux (gentoo). Only is to boot without using the ordinary /dev/hda. I want also be able to boot the cdrom in such way that the bios thinks that /dev/sda is the first ide-disk, ie to be able to install window$ to the usb-disk. Also later be able to install a ppc-gentoo using another boot-floppy or booting directly to the usb depending on what the macintosh can do. I dont like the idea to have to update a boot-floppy with new kernel, Instead I want a clean floppy-boot that only mount usb-partitions and the boot MBR on /dev/sda as if it was BIOS who did it. Tricky is also not to umount usb during reboot before everything is done. I got that problem when using the "runtboot3.img" from the RUNT-project. http://www.ncsu.edu/resnet/runt/