On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 01:36:28PM -0700, The Dog's Bollix
wrote:> The system creates the text file as expected. I added some
> content/words, however, xapian-omega will not index it:
> [root at Eagle1 /]# omindex --db /var/lib/omega/data/default --url
/media/NEW\ VOLUME/? /media/NEW\ VOLUME/
> Text File: Skipping - Unknown extension and unrecognised format
> The file it's skipping over is a true text file:
> [root at Eagle1 NEW VOLUME]# file Text\ File
> Text File: ASCII text
You don't seem to say what version you're using, but if it's Omega
or later, and you've compiled it with libmagic support, this ought to
What does this report?
file --mime-type Text\ File
And if you're using Omega >= 1.2.4, check if it's built with libmagic
ldd `which omindex`|grep libmagic
If not, you'll need to install the appropriate package (probably
libmagic-devel, but I'm not very familiar with Fedora) and rebuilt