On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 05:55:37PM +0100, Francis Irving
wrote:> If I spell "commission" wrongly with an s instead of a t, Xapian
> the QueryParser's get_corrected_query_string function) is finding
> the right spelling:
> http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/search/commistion
Hmm, this returns two matches, but neither seems to have "commistion"
(or anything which might stem to it).
> However, if I miss the s out completely, it doesn't find it:
> http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/search/commision
> Any idea why that is?
Probably it's this issue:
I'm puzzled by the two apparent matches, but if there was a word with the
same stemmed form as "commistion" in those documents you would see
behaviour, so I guess it is there but in some text not visible in the
view shown.