I'm working on a xps filter. I use: string cmd = "unzip -p " + safefile + " Documents/1/Pages/*.fpage"; which works fine to dump the xml but the xml parser in omindex dosen't seem to output anything. I've added the test file and the xps patch to: http://trac.xapian.org/ticket/290 I'm just wondering if someone could look at the XML and verify that xmlparser is being used correctly. E.g. The strings seem to be contained in these declarations: UnicodeString="FRANK B"
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 01:39:48PM +1030, Frank J Bruzzaniti wrote:> The strings seem to be contained in these declarations: > > UnicodeString="FRANK B"The XmlParser subclass just strips all the tags. This needs a new subclass which checks for "glyphs" opening tags and adds the contents of the "unicodestring" parameter to the output. Cheers, Olly