On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 02:45:36PM +0100, Donald Fisk
wrote:> The one thing I can think of is that the precentage weight of the match
> in the offending query (for all matching documents) is 1.
That looks incorrect, but it's actually unrelated to your problem.
Your problem lies here:
> for i,word in enumerate(text.split()):
> document.add_posting(stemmer.stem_word(word),i)
The stemmers don't lowercase, so in this:
> xapianAdd(" Jet skiing (3000 m away) ",
> xapianDB)
"Jet" is indexed as "Jet".
However Xapian::QueryParser expects index terms to have been lower-cased
and stemmed, so the phrase "jet skiing" doesn't find any matches.
Try changing this line:
> for q in ['ski NOT "jet skiing"','ski']:
to this:
> for q in ['ski NOT "jet skiing"','"jet