Hi all,
Some small patches are attached for the Win32 build files. Also,
currently it's failing a test on some of the new stuff:
Running test: spell1... ok
Running test: spell2... ok
Running test: spell3....flint\dbw\flintlock - The process cannot access
the file because it is being used by another process.
.flint\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it
is being used by another process.
.flint\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is
being used by another process.
.flint\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it
is being used by another process.
DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write
lock on .flint/dbw
Running test: spell4... ok
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Name: patch6.patch