JGailor <jeremy at infinitecube.com> on 2009-11-11 at
16:11:> I''m trying to stub File.new so I can return a StringIO object from
> to set some expectation and make sure the subject under test is
> behaving correctly, but calling readline() on the StringIO object in
> the subject always returns nil.
> data = <<-DATA
> ...
> faux_file = StringIO.new(data)
> File.stub!(:new).and_return(faux_file)
> faux_file.should_receive(:readline).exactly(x).times
> Subject.new("").parse
As soon as you call `should_receive(:readline)`, you are not only setting an
expectation for that method to be received but also stubbing out the method.
Here''s a bit more in-depth discussion of that:
That link also discusses why that might be a good idea -- it keeps specs simple.
So you''ve got two options,
(1) If you''ve got your heart set on counting the number of calls to
you can do something like the following:
Which, as you can see, is basically a funky re-implementation of
StringIO#readline, but it should do the trick.
(2) I would encourage you to consider this: rather than asserting that every
line is _read_, simply verify that the result of your Subject#parse method
includes data that would _prove_ that each line has been read. That way
you''re testing behavior rather than implementation.