On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Elza Di Sirio
<elza.morelli at tagview.com.br> wrote:> I need some help to stub this method of my controller
> ?@users > ? ? ? ? User.accessible_by(current_user).paginate(
> ? ? ? ? ? :conditions => conditions.to_sql,
> ? ? ? ? ? :include? ? => :user_channels,
> ? ? ? ? ? :order? ? ? => build_sort_conditions(:name, true),
> ? ? ? ? ? :page ? ? ? => get_param(:page, :integer),
> ? ? ? ? ? :per_page ? => 10
> ? ? ? ? )
> ? end
> My rspec is
> ??describe ''GET /index'' do
> ? ? ##############################################################
> ? ? should_require_login :get, :index
> ? ? ##############################################################
> ? ? describe "authenticated user" do
> ? ? ? ##############################################################
> ? ? ? before do
> ? ? ? ? login_as_user
> ? ? ? ? check_session_expiration
> ? ? ? ? @user = mock_model(User)
> ? ? ? ? @users = [@user]
> ? ? ? ? User.stub_chain(:accessible_by, :paginate).and_return(@users)
> ? ? ? end
> ?? ? ?##############################################################
> ? ? ? it ''should load the users'' do
> ? ? ? ? User.should_receive(:paginate).with(
> ? ? ? ? ? :conditions => [''active = ?'', true],
> ? ? ? ? ? :order => :name,
> ? ? ? ? ? :page => nil,
> ? ? ? ? ? :per_page => 10
> ? ? ? ? ).and_return(@users)
> ? ? ? ? do_get
> ? ? ? ? assigns[:users].should == @users
> ? ? ? end
> ?? ?end
> ??end
> ##############################################################
> The error I get is
> Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''UsersController GET /index
> authenticated user should load the users''
> <User(id: integer, name: string, email: string, crypted_password:
> password_salt: string, persistence_token: string, role: string, active:
> boolean, password_last_changed_at: datetime, created_at: datetime,
> updated_at: datetime)
> (class)> expected :paginate with ({:per_page=>10,
:conditions=>["active > ?", true], :order=>:name,
:page=>nil}) once, but received it 0 times
> ./spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:269:
> *************************************************
> How should I stub a named_scope with params(accessible_by(current_user)),
> following a stub to paginate.with(...).
In your example User does not receive the #paginate call, the return
value of #accessible_by does. It looks like you''re having both of
those methods return @users in your spec by default. Try updating your
spec to say...
instead of
> I can not change my controller
In case you can change your controller... this controller action seems
pretty vanilla. I would probably add some good model-level specs
around #accessible_by, and then have a few cucumber scenarios ensure
whatever it was that pulled up this page was working (I like scenarios
for pagination as well). To make things easier I would assign the
default PER_PAGE to a configuration setting or a constant so it can be
easily changed in a scenario. This can reduce scenario running time
and necessary setup whilst still ensuring behaviour.
Just an idea with the very little I know from what you pasted,
Zach Dennis
http://www.continuousthinking.com (personal)
http://www.mutuallyhuman.com (hire me)
http://ideafoundry.info/behavior-driven-development (first rate BDD training)
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