On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 07:47:20PM +0000, - Tong -
wrote:> What is the proper way to wrap omega in a cgi shell script? The reason that
> I need to wrap it up is that sourceforge.net does not allows binary
> executable cgi programs [1].
I've not read anything about such a restriction.
> [1]
> $ lynx -dump http://xpt.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/omega
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/omega on this server.
I don't get the forbidden now, and looking on the sourceforge server, I
noticed you've remove the symlink, so I suspect they've just configured
it so that CGI binaries can't be symlinks.
> Here is how I'm doing:
> /home/groups/x/xp/xpt/cgi-bin$ ls -gGl search omega
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 22 06-20 11:59 omega -> ../lib/omega/bin/omega
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 21 06-20 12:27 search
> $ cat search
> #!/bin/sh
> omega "$@"
You need to specify a path to Omega here. It's unusual for the default
PATH to contain `.' on Unix (I've seen it on some RedHat boxes, but
arguably a minor security risk on shared machines). If you put
"printenv" in a CGI shell script, you'll see it isn't here
There won't be any parameters, so the `"$@"' isn't needed.
> Everything is fine testing on commnand line[2], but when using the cgi
> shell script from the web, I got:
If I use this shell script (`exec 2>&1' redirects stderr to stdin for
the current script, and so its children):
echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
exec 2>&1
echo Exit code: $?
Then the output I get is:
./omega: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
Exit code: 127
ldd on omega from the shell should it's found, but if you stick ldd in
the script above, it isn't. And `ls -l /usr/lib' shows it isn't
I guess the shell server and web server(s) both mount /home but aren't
the same machine.
I found I can make it work by copying /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 and
/usr/lib/libstdc++.so into ../lib (from cgi-bin) and then using this
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/../lib ./omega
It might actually be cleaner to statically link omega in this case - the
above has the potential to stop working if either machine is upgraded.
> FYI, I'm the one who posted here quite a while ago asking if it is
> to install xapian/omega on sourceforge.net so that every hosted project
> can use it., and set force on the pilot work since. It has not been easy
> for me, but as you can see in [2], I've made it to this last step.
Yes, I remember - good to hear you're pretty close to making it work.
Hopefully the hints above can get you the rest of the way!