I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and using wine 1.1.42 via playonlinux. I have tried installing Diablo 2 LOD straight from the cds several times now and each time it would not let me auto patch so I figured I would try to play it unpatched and when I try to it freezes between the blizzard north and main screen...if I alt tab a few times it will eventually show the main screen but I can't click on anything. It shows the Diablo cursor but is frozen in place.... sometimes my regular mouse cursor appears but won't do anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Chrislinux playonline not supported here. http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=315 Should work without needing playonline. Most likely suspect here is playonline has installed something they should not have. Ie nothing extra should be installed to run this game. Then followed by since you are on Ubuntu is compiz causing opengl to glitch. Followed by pulseaudio causing audio lag putting game timing out.
Thanks for your response, but I have found the problem...it was because during installation I chose to install it in my personal folder as I didn't realize wine created a C drive at the time and figured I would have to change the path to something that was actually on the computer. I thought i had responded but didn't realize there was an error when I attempted to post that I had solved the problem