ydegoyon at gmail.com
2011-Oct-15 06:47 UTC
[theora-dev] theora streamer for Android anyone?
ola, i am one of the developers of http://giss.tv, some people here might know about it. we use since 5 years some tools ( gstreamer, ffmpeg2theora, pure data, ... ) to make Ogg/Theora/Vorbis streams related to media-hacktivism and social movements. lately, we realized how important it becomes to have lighter tools in some contexts where you cannot set a medialab and a decent network, like in pacific occupation of public spaces ( plaza catalunya, puerta del sol, ... ). that's why we are trying now to develop some streaming solutions for mobile phones and, logically, we try right now to make this work on Android. i compiled libogg, libvorbis and libtheora for ARM and linked it to the Java interface using JNI... but alas, no luck, it crashes in various places of the native code, so i guess i need a proper port of the libraries to Android ( that should work on ARM processors with fixed point processing no ? ). i'm writing now this message to know if anybody have worked on this already and if they suceeded in making an Ogg/Theora encoder that actually works on Android. thanks in advance for any track that could be useful in that research. saludos, sevy at giss.tv
Timothy B. Terriberry
2011-Oct-15 06:57 UTC
[theora-dev] theora streamer for Android anyone?
> i compiled libogg, libvorbis and libtheora for ARM > and linked it to the Java interface using JNI... > but alas, no luck, it crashes in various places > of the native code, so i guess i need a proper port of the libraries > to Android ( that should work on ARM processors > with fixed point processing no ? ).libvorbis requires floating point. I'm not aware of a fixed-point encoder for Vorbis, however most Android devices these days support at least VFP, if not NEON. That said, all of these libraries work just fine on ARM. Please be more specific about the kind of crashes you're observing.