during some testing i found that with the following toolkit i have found, and correctly identified issues pertaining to theora and mingw32 on windows... the tools: Mingw5.0.x ( full install of all posibly components ) extra api, namely the winapi 3.7 from the mingw site directx 7 files from libsdl website msys and msysDTK v 1.x the libraries... libogg-1.1.3 libvorbis-1.1.2 libtheora-1.0alpha6 the problems found, identified and possibly already fixed. libvorbis failing on configure, put the order of, libvorbisenc then libvorbis (errors about not finding some info function ) dsp.h fails during the compile, remove line 22 or do something about that considering libogg version 1.1.3 has that already defined.