similar to: xyplot: discrete points + continuous curve per panel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "xyplot: discrete points + continuous curve per panel"

2007 Feb 21
Different gridlines per panel in xyplot
In the example R script below, horizontal gray gridlines are drawn at y coordinates where the points are drawn with the code: panel.abline(h=y, v=xScale, col.line="gray") How do I change this so that the horizontal gray gridlines are drawn at y coordinates where the y labels are drawn? The challenge is that each panel has different y-ranges (in my real example the y-ranges and
2006 Dec 14
Reverse order of grouping factor in grouppedData
I created the following groupedData object (nlme library): gd <- groupedData(Conc ~ Time | Subj, order.groups=T, FUN = myf, data=mydata) The idea of the myf function is to reverse the order of the grouping factor Subj (or better, reorder from largest to smallest). In the mydata data set, Subj is an integer that gets converted into a factor in the groupedData object. Does anyone
2007 Feb 20
How to avoid sort of x values in dotplot?
I am trying to avoid that dotplot sorts my x-values. They are in the correct order in the data.frame and the connections between the x-y values follows this order, but the placement of the x-values on the x-axis is re-ordered. In the following example, the order should be "d1", "d8" and "d15". However, this script places "d8" at the highest x position. Any
2006 Dec 15
xyplot: logarithmic y-axis
This should be simple but I am struggling. I like to easily switch in xyplot between a linear or logarithmic y-axis by setting a logical flag logY to False or True. This switch changes the scales argument of xyplot. I found out that the original two-dimentional data (Conc vs Time in my case) are converted to log10(Conc) if log=TRUE in scales, but it appears that functions like panel.curve need to
2012 Aug 07
Passing arguments to a function within a function ...
Hallo Everybody How do you specify arguments for a function used within another function? Here is my problem: I am reconstructing a calculator for the burden of disease due to air pollution from publications and tools published by the WHO. The calculations make use of published dose-response relationships for particular health end-points. This is then applied to populations with known or
2006 Apr 20
nlminb( ) : one compartment open PK model
All, I have been able to successfully use the optim( ) function with "L-BFGS-B" to find reasonable parameters for a one-compartment open pharmacokinetic model. My loss function in this case was squared error, and I made no assumptions about the distribution of the plasma values. The model appeared to fit pretty well. Out of curiosity, I decided to try to use nlminb( ) applied to a
2005 Jul 19
Michaelis-menten equation
Dear R users: I encountered difficulties in michaelis-menten equation. I found that when I use right model definiens, I got wrong Km vlaue, and I got right Km value when i use wrong model definiens. The value of Vd and Vmax are correct in these two models. #-----right model definiens-------- PKindex<-data.frame(time=c(0,1,2,4,6,8,10,12,16,20,24),
2002 Apr 18
Help with lme basics
In Baron and Li's "Notes on the use of R for psychology experiments and questionnaires" they describe a balanced data set for a drug experiment: "... a test of drug treatment effect by one between-subject factor: group (two groups of 8 subjects each) and two within-subject factors: drug (2 levels) and dose (3 levels). "
2011 Mar 23
Corrupt trees
Hi Everyone, I have been using the "tree" package for a while with no problems until now. When I run predict(tree, newdata), I get an error with the message "Corrupt tree" for about 50% of the trees that I generate with tree. For other trees, the predict function completes with no errors. I haven't identified a correlation between the corrupt trees and the working tree.
2007 Apr 17
how to estimate dose from respond given drc package result
Dear all, I can use the very nice drc package (multdrc()) to model and plot a dataframe containing dose and response values. I can also use predict.drc() to yield response values given a dose. I need to do the opposite, estimate a dose given the response. The general predict documentation seems to say that this is possible, but it does not appear that predict.drc has that capability.
2003 Dec 17
repeated measures aov problem
Hi all, I have a strange problem and rigth now I can't figure out a solution. Trying to calculate an ANOVA with one between subject factor (group) and one within (hemisphere). My dependent variable is source localization (data). My N = 25. My data.frame looks like this: > ML.dist.stack subj group hemisphere data 1 1 tin left 0.7460840 2 2 tin left
2006 Feb 12
lme, nlsList, nlsList.selfStart
Dear listers, I am trying to fit a model using nlsList() using alternately a SSfol() selfstart function or its developped equivalent formulae. This preliminary trial works well mydata<-groupedData(Conc~Tps|Organ,data=mydata) mymod1<-nls(Conc~SSfol(Dose,Tps,lKe,lKa,lCl),data=mydata) as well as a developped form: mymod2<-nls(Conc~Dose * exp(lKe+lKa-lCl) *
2000 Jan 06
Among others, datam contains the columns: logconc, tm, dose, subj, bilirubin. None of these are factor variables. The following compartment models work (the first still has not converged after 100 interations): res1 <- nlme(logconc~p2+p3+log(dose/(exp(p1)-exp(p2))* (exp(-exp(p2)*tm)-exp(-exp(p1)*tm))),start=list(fixed=c(5,-2,-0.1)), fixed=list(p1+p2+p3~1),control=list(maxIter=100),
2012 Nov 26
Help on function please
Dear All,   I could use a bit of help here, this function is hard to figure out (for me at least) I have the following so far:   PKindex<-data.frame(Subject=c(1),time=c(1,2,3,4,6,10,12),conc=c(32,28,25,22,18,14,11)) Dose<-200 Tinf <-0.5   defun<- function(time, y, parms) {  dCpdt <- -parms["kel"] * y[1]  list(dCpdt)  } modfun <- function(time,kel, Vd) {   out <-
2005 Jan 06
nls - convergence problem
Dear list, I do have a problem with nls. I use the following data: >test time conc dose 0.50 5.40 1 0.75 11.10 1 1.00 8.40 1 1.25 13.80 1 1.50 15.50 1 1.75 18.00 1 2.00 17.00 1 2.50 13.90 1 3.00 11.20 1 3.50 9.90 1 4.00 4.70 1 5.00 5.00 1 6.00 1.90 1 7.00 1.90 1 9.00 1.10 1 12.00 0.95 1 14.00
2012 Jul 09
Correcting for overdispersion
Hello, I am trying to determine LD50 and LD95 using dose.p in MASS however some of the Residual variance is larger than the degrees of freedom. Please can anyone help with any advice as to how i can correct for this? Here is the model as inputted into R y<-cbind(dead,n-dead) model<-glm(y~log(conc),binomial) summary(model) xv<-seq(min(log(conc)-1),max(log(conc)+1),0.01)
2007 Jun 08
logical 'or' on list of vectors
Suppose I have a list of logicals, such as returned by lapply: Theoph$Dose[1] <- NA Theoph$Time[2] <- NA Theoph$conc[3] <- NA lapply(Theoph, Is there a direct way to execute logical "or" across all vectors? The following gives the desired result, but seems unnecessarily complex. as.logical(apply("rbind",lapply(Theoph,,2,"sum"))
2010 Oct 15
Time vs Concentration Graphs by ID
Hello-- I have a data for small population who took 1 drug at 3 different doses. I have the actual drug concentrations as well as predicted concentrations by my model. This is what I'm looking for: - Time vs Concentration by ID (individual plots), with each subject occupying 1 plot -- there is to be 9 plots per page (3x3) - Observed drug concentration is made up of points, and predicted drug
2011 Feb 12
Predictions with missing inputs
Dear users, I'll appreciate your help with this (hopefully) simple problem. I have a model object which was fitted to inputs X1, X2, X3. Now, I'd like to use this object to make predictions on a new data set where only X1 and X2 are available (just use the estimated coefficients for these variables in making predictions and ignoring the coefficient on X3). Here's my attempt but, of
2014 Mar 17
Quiero comparar varias dosis letales 50% (LD50) usando análisis probit. He seguido un ejemplo que viene en paquete DRC, pero no obtengo el resultado esperado. Lo que quiero es saber si las LD50s, son diferentes y si la diferencias son estadísticamente significativas. Gracias de antemano. José Arturo e-mail. <> e-mail alterno.