similar to: looking for motherboard / temp / hdd monitor, other than lmsensors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "looking for motherboard / temp / hdd monitor, other than lmsensors"

2013 Sep 14
Overheating on laptop as compared to RHEL
Hi, I have an acer 5738g laptop on which i tried out the centos6.4 live CD. The laptop feels noticable hotter and i check the temperature using something like cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/. The temperatures are around 57-60 degrees when the laptop is just idling, ie, just the desktop and the terminal window open. I install lm_sensors using yum and it installs successfully, but there is no
2010 Oct 31
PATA Hard Drive woes
Hi All. Yesterday I was installing Centos 5.5 to my web server, and it looks like the main hard drive has gone AWOL. Fedora 12 put the file system into r/o mode. The drive is an Hitachi, still under warranty. There are bad sectors on it, and running the Hitachi DFT tool confirms this. Also I cannot repair the bad sectors. Would this be caused by a faulty I/O chip, or is it safe to say
2007 May 01
Identify motherboard from SSH login
Hi, I have CentOS 4.4 installed on a system at an ISP and I am trying to setup lm_sensors. It would be a lot easier to setup if I knew what motherboard I was using! :-) Is there any way of identifying the motherboard of a system remotely (via SSH)? Many thanks Regards, Dan
2007 Feb 28
[LLVMdev] Building LLVM and LLVM-GCC4 on Cygwin
Hello, Well theres not too much to it. A patch for Cygwin's stdint.h. And a patch for lib/System/Unix/ Despite Cygwin complaining of timing errors both LLVM and LLVM-GCC4 compile ok'ish. make[2]: Warning: File `/dev/null' has modification time 0.0096 s in the future make[2]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete. I am getting this on both
2008 Aug 29
lmsensors support in net-snmp
Hello, I'm wanting to use cacti* to graph my motherboard fan/temperature/voltage readings. I have sensors working and it giving me the temperatures ets, but it seems that net-snmp needs to be compiled with sensors/lmsensors support. Is there a centos 5 rpm for net-snmp that support this? Thanks. *
2007 Dec 08
lmsensors sensors.conf file for gigabyte GA7N400 Pro2
Having done my fresh 5.0 install a couple months ago I'm slowly getting things back in to working condition. Decided last night to try setting up lmsensors. Got it all set up (modules, etc taken care of) and it runs and reports values, but some of 'em a clearly wrong with the default sensors.conf Trying to use the old sensors.conf I used on Centos 4 produces even more whacked-out results,
2017 Aug 26
Lenovo T460p post 7.4 CR possible problems
Also try package lm_sensors and its command sensors-detect, maybe just the temperature sensors are not properly initialized On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 8:42 PM, < at> wrote: > It means it's time to open up your' laptop and evict all the dust > bunnies. it's overheating on one desktop but not the other because one of > your' desktops,
2015 Apr 02
Kernel panic, CentOS 7.1503 fully updated, with executing gkrellm.
Just a heads up, since I know gkrellm is in EPEL and not in the main CentOS repos. However, something fairly fundamental has changed, as prior to updating, gkrellm worked fine, but now every time I execute gkrellm the kernel panics. I'm going to triage on a different machine, as the panic corrupted at least one system library used by nautilus, but rpm -Va is your friend in these
2006 Nov 28
Confirming Multi-Processor
I have a test bed server that's pretty old- PIII Dual 550. I've done yum update kernel-smp and when I run cat/proc/cpuinfo it lists both processors- is there anything I need to to to confirm that it's fully utilizing both processors? I ask this because under the old OS (Fedora Core 2) I always saw an error message at boot that said something about operating in single-processor mode
2009 Apr 04
what requires lm_sensors?
I found that lm_sensors got installed because of a dependency on my first Xen VM that I updated to 5.3. lm_sensors doesn't make sense in a VM. I thought, ok let's check after the update who wants it. However: rpm -q --whatrequires lm_sensors no package requires lm_sensors (same for --triggeredby with lm_sensors or the packages below) Trying to remove lm_sensors reveals these packages:
2005 Feb 11
CentOS CPU Temperature - Mini-HowTo
Ok, Way too many requests. SO..... here's my Mini How-To. Use of this is at your own risk, Blah Blah Blah legal disclaimer applies..... ;-) Download from either: or
2005 May 13
X instability
Hi all, How does X server work well on dom0 in general? I''m experiencing frequently drawn gabages and sometimes crashes and hangs (100% cpu) of certain X applications. Usually on my deskstop, gnome-panel, sawfish, krxvt, firefox, and gkrellm are only present. gnome-panel (and some applets) and firefox crash sometimes. Sawfish in addition to the two above draws garbage. krxvt and
2009 Jun 04
CPU usage over estimated?
I have a quad core CPU running Centos5. When I use top, I see that running processes use 245% instead of 100%. If I use gkrellm, I just see one core being used 100%. top: PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SWAP SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 18037 thba 31 15 304m 242m 62m 44m R 245.3 4.1 148:58.72 ic Also in the log of some programs I see this strange factor: CPU Seconds = 2632
2007 Dec 07
5.0--> 5.1 lm_sensors "General Parse Error"
Problem and solution, not sure if correct After upgrading to 5.1 and restarting, lm_sensors complained "General Parse Error." Google pointed here: Where I found this under "SENSOR CHIP DRIVERS - STATUS" AMD --> "Since Kernel 2.6.19" Latest AMD K8 processors have integrated sensors which can be read directly without any
2005 Oct 10
Sorry if this has been around many times before, but I've done quite a bit of reading and searching for some type of human readable guide for setting up the lm_sensors for hardware monitoring. I've dorked around with the stuff in the system here, but after looking at the /etc/sensors.conf, I don't think I want to delve into that and try to pull out the right group of settings.
2009 Dec 31
trying to get lm_sensorts to work
hi all, I am trying to get lm_sensors to work. did the yum install lm_sensors service lm_sensors start sensor -s and it says no sensors found. did lsmod | grep it87 and it87 57061 0 hwmon_vid 35905 1 it87 hwmon 36553 1 it87 i2c_isa 39105 1 it87 i2c_core 56129 5 it87,i2c_isa,i2c_dev,i2c_ec,i2c_piix4 Seems like
2010 Jul 10
lm_sensors and Shuttle
Hi All, I'm trying to get lm_sensors to work on a Shuttle with an AMD K10. The version of lm_sensors in the main CentOS repo is 2.10.7, which is two years old now. Support for the K10 was added about a year ago. So, does anyone know if there are binaries available for more recent versions of lm_sensors? Also, if anyone has knowledge of the sensors layout for recent Shuttle AMD motherboards,
2012 Jan 30
Hi all :) Using lm_sensors, I can see few temperature indicator. M/B Temp: +39?C (low = +15?C, high = +40?C) sensor = thermistor CPU Temp: +33?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = thermistor Temp3: +53?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = diode What is that Temp3? It's the hottest. Which one is the best to use if I want to use lm_sensor as a general
2006 Jul 12
Gnome battery and cpu speed control
hi, I am running CENTOS 4.3 on my IBM thinkpad T30, (recently switch from Fedora 5), and would like to have the icon of my battery remaining and my cpuspeed control. but could not find anywhere only the klaptop_check wich i do not like too much, i am using acpi, could anyone please tell which aplication do i need to install or how do i execute it? thanks a lot, regards, Guillermo Garron
2016 Dec 12
Server turns off unexpectedly
On Monday 12 December 2016 12:15:10 David Both wrote: > The lm_sensors package is required for the sensors module of glances to > work. After installing lm_sensors, run sensors-detect. The sensors > command will show the sensors detected and their current values. glances > should then display the sensor readings. Somewhere tucked in the back of my mind a memory is screaming no.