search for: xtfrm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 34 matches for "xtfrm".

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2008 Sep 09
'xtfrm' performance (influences 'order' performance) in R devel
Hello everybody, it looks like the presense of some (do know know which) S4 methods for a given S4 class degrades the performance of xtfrm (used in 'order' in new R-devel) by a factor of millions. This is for classes that ARE derived from numeric directly and thus should be quite trivial to convert to numeric. Consider the following example: setClass("TimeDateBase", representation("numeric", mode=&qu...
2009 May 30
degraded performance with rank()
...that creates an object that is essentially a classed version of numeric. I updated recently from 2.7.1 to 2.9.0, and merges involving my class suddenly took a huge performance hit. I've traced the problem to something near rank(). From NEWS, it seems rank() etc. changed in 2.8.0. Methods for xtfrm() are supposed to help, but I've had no success. There was some chatter about this in the archives back in Sept 08 (though apparently regarding S4), with a suggestion that it is related to `[.` methods. That has been my experience. In the toy example below, the problem disappears if `[.my` i...
2024 Apr 27
max on numeric_version with long components
...000000", "", > ""))) > [1] ? Thank you Jon for spotting this! This is an unintended consequence of The old behaviour of max(<numeric_version>) was to call which.max(xtfrm(x)), which first produced a permutation that sorted the entire .encode_numeric_version(x). The new behavioiur is to call which.max directly on .encode_numeric_version(x), which is faster (only O(length(x)) instead of a sort). What do the encoded version strings look like? x <- numeric_version(...
2017 Oct 15
Function 'factor' issues
In R devel, function 'factor' has been changed, allowing and merging duplicated 'labels'. Issue 1: Handling of specified 'labels' without duplicates is slower than before. Example: x <- rep(1:26, 40000) system.time(factor(x, levels=1:26, labels=letters)) Function 'factor' is already rather slow because of conversion to character. Please don't add slowdown.
2009 Nov 27
Long execution time for quantile() and difftime objects (PR#14092)
...this is not implemented. There is no claim that it works (let alone works well) for class "difftime". If you follow the link to 'sort' it says The default ?sort? method makes use of ?order? for objects with classes, which in turn makes use of the generic function ?xtfrm?. and from ?xtfrm The default method will make use of ?==? and ?>? methods for the class of ?x[i]? (for integers ?i?), and the ? method for the class of ?x?, but might be rather slow when doing so. So, if you want this to be fast, you need to write an xtfrm method. Th...
2014 Sep 08
Problem with order() and I()
I have found that order() fails in a rather arcane circumstance, as in this example: > foo <- I( c('x','\265g') ) > order(foo) Error in if (xi > xj) 1L else -1L : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed > foo <-c('x','\265g') > order(foo) [1] 1 2 > sessionInfo() R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)
2009 Nov 27
Long execution time for quantile() and difftime objects (PR#14091)
Full_Name: Hong Ooi Version: 2.10.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( While trying to get summary statistics on a duration variable (the difference between a start and end date), I ran into the following issue. Using summary or quantile (which summary calls) on a difftime object takes an extremely long time if the object is even moderately large. A reproducible example:
2024 Apr 27
max on numeric_version with long components
I've noticed something in R devel which seems a little off and not the behavior I see in 4.4.0 or earlier versions. With numeric_versions that have long (>8 digit) final components max and min return the first element and not the max or min: In devel: > max(numeric_version(c("", "", ""))) [1] ?
2017 Oct 18
Function 'factor' issues
...r in factor construction. > Another thing: Function 'factor' in R devel uses 'order' instead of 'sort.list'. This has been by a change on purpose --- well documented as new feature in NEWS --- to allow using *methods* for order(), i.e. for the workhorse of order, xtfrm() so that factor(OB) works for more general objects OB. > The case of as.factor(x) for > x <- > in tests/ reveals that 'order' on data frame is strange. > x <- > y <-...
2017 Oct 21
Function 'factor' issues
...r in factor construction.?? ? ? > Another thing: Function 'factor' in R devel uses 'order' instead of 'sort.list'. This has been by a change on purpose --- well documented as new feature in NEWS --- to allow using *methods* for order(), i.e. for the workhorse of order, xtfrm()? so that factor(OB) works for more general objects OB. ? ? > The case of as.factor(x) for ? ? > x <- ? ? > in tests/ reveals that 'order' on data frame is strange. ? ? > x <- ? ? > y <-...
2010 Jan 16
order() fails on a chr object of class "AsIs" with "\265" in it
Here's an example (session info at the end). > tmpv <- c('\265g/L','Bq/L') > order(tmpv) [1] 2 1 > tmpv <- I(tmpv) > order(tmpv) Error in if (xi > xj) 1L else -1L : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed > foov <- gsub('\265','',tmpv) > order(foov) [1] 2 1 > str(tmpv) Class 'AsIs' chr [1:2] "\265g/L"
2011 Jan 11
sorting question
Hi, I have a data frame with variables a, b, c (character vars) and t (time var, could be represented as POSIXct or character, depending on which is most useful. The format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss CET"). Now, I want to sort the data frame in ascending order by a, b, c and then in descending order by t. Here's what I've got, but I'm not sure how to put the
2013 Oct 03
version comparison puzzle
...max(pp2 <- package_version(c("1.0.3","1.0.4","1.0.5"))) ## [1] ?1.0.5? I've looked at ?package_version , to no avail. Since max() goes to .Primitive("max") I'm having trouble figuring out where it goes from there: I **think** this is related to ?xtfrm , which goes to .encode_numeric_version, which is doing something I really don't understand (it's in base/R/version.R ...) .encode_numeric_version(pp1) ## [1] 1 1 1 ## attr(,"base") ## [1] 99999912 ## attr(,"lens") ## [1] 3 3 3 ## attr(,".classes") ## [1] &quo...
2010 May 05
testInstalledBasic question
...; [78] "" "sign" "signif" "sin" "sinh" "sqrt" "sum" [85] "tan" "tanh" "trigamma" "trunc" "xtfrm" "|" Which confuses me, because the calling code in tests\\primitives.R removes the first 15 elements, which includes ">=" which the test is failing on. To check (and because testInstalledBasic is calling out to a separate, new R process), I repea...
2009 Mar 27
Sorting problem
Hi, everyone, I was trying to sort a data frame by two columns, one increasing, the other decreasing and got an error. "Error in FUN(left) : invalid argument to unary operator", The command is "BA[order(BA[1],-BA[2]),]". BA is the data frame. It was working if I used increasing on both columns. Why the decreasing symbol "-" is not working here? Thanks. -- Jun
2008 Oct 22
R 2.8.0 qqnorm produces error with object of class zoo?
...ets[1:10, "DAX"]) daxr <- diff(log(dax)) identical(as.vector(qnorm(daxr)), qnorm(coredata(daxr))) qqnorm(coredata(daxr)) qqnorm(daxr) qqnorm() produces an error: > qqnorm(daxr) Fehler in if (xi == xj) 0L else if (xi > xj) 1L else -1L : Argument hat L?nge 0 Calls: qqnorm ... xtfrm.default -> as.vector -> rank -> switch -> .gt Ausf?hrung angehalten However, this is not witnessed by running the script through R 2.7.2 (attached are the two output files). Incidentally, the QQ-plot is produced if one uses "qqnorm(coredata(daxr))" under R version 2.8.0. Aft...
2009 May 27
Sort matrix by column 1 ascending then by column 2 decending
I've got a matrix with 2 columns and n rows. I need to sort it first by the values in column 1 ascending. Then for values which are the same in column 1, sort by column 2 decending. For example: 2 .5 1 .3 1 .5 3 .2 Goes to: 1 .5 1 .3 2 .5 3 .2 This is easy to do in spreadsheet programs but I can't seem to work out how to do it in R and haven't been able to find a solution anywhere.
2011 Apr 04
General binary search?
Is there a generic binary search routine in a standard library which a) works for character vectors b) runs in O(log(N)) time? I'm aware of findInterval(x,vec), but it is restricted to numeric vectors. I'm also aware of various hashing solutions (e.g. new.env(hash=TRUE) and fastmatch), but I need the greatest-lower-bound match in my application. findInterval is also slow for
2009 May 28
custom sort?
Sounds simple but haven't been able to find it in docs: is it possible to sort a vector using a user-defined comparison function? Seems it must be, but "sort" doesn't seem to provide that option, nor does "order" sfaics -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 May 28
custom sort?
Sounds simple but haven't been able to find it in docs: is it possible to sort a vector using a user-defined comparison function? Seems it must be, but "sort" doesn't seem to provide that option, nor does "order" sfaics -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at