search for: temp3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 38 matches for "temp3".

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2012 Oct 31
Aggregate Table Data into Cell Frequencies
R-help - I have this set of aggregated tables (sample data below via dput()). And I would like to have delayValue as the column variables with the "temp" (temp1, temp2, temp3) values as the row variables. However I would like to have the temp variables *aggregated into single rows* so that I have the frequency ("Freq" | counts) of each time each "delayValue" occurs in the cells. I've tried this command without luck, it seems to be dropping a bu...
2011 Nov 21
Scatter plot - using colour to group points? All, I am very new to R - trying to teach myself it for some MSc coursework. I am plotting temperature data for two different sites over the same time period which I have downloaded from a university weather station data archive. I am using the following code to create the plot plot ( x = TEMP3[,"TIME"], y = TEMP3[,"TEMP"], type = "p", col = TEMP3[,"SITE"], pch = 3, main = "Temperature changes", xlab = "Date", ylab = "Temberature[C]") I managed to use col = TEMP3["SITE"] to plot the two different sites( BG1 a...
2012 Jan 30
Hi all :) Using lm_sensors, I can see few temperature indicator. M/B Temp: +39?C (low = +15?C, high = +40?C) sensor = thermistor CPU Temp: +33?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = thermistor Temp3: +53?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = diode What is that Temp3? It's the hottest. Which one is the best to use if I want to use lm_sensor as a general indicator of my server room temperature? (my request to buy a Mini Goose temperature monitor is still pending). Thank you....
2010 Oct 17
how to convert string to object?
temp = "~aparch(" temp1 = paste(temp,1, sep = "") temp2 = paste(temp1,1, sep = ",") temp3 = paste(temp2, ")",sep = "") temp 3 is a character but I want to convert to formula object. How do I do this? -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabb...
2009 Nov 28
Plot-region not complete
...used ylab=expression(paste("log(",mu,"/",cm^2,"/VS)")) to have greek symbols and to change cm^2 to cm?. Also cm^-3 I have in another plot, but it cuts my ^2 to _ in the y-axis. here is the code and I attach the plot: jpeg(file="Tabh2.jpg",quality=100) plot(Temp3,bew2log,xlab="log(T/K)",ylab=expression(paste("log(",mu,"/cm^2/VS)")),xlim=range(c(Temp3)),cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=1.5) abline(reg=fitbew,lty=1) lines(Temp3,bewt2,lty=2) legend(1.932,2.9,c("Experiment"),pch=1,bty="n") legend(1.9,2.88,c("Regression...
2010 Nov 19
Sweave Dynamic Graph Question
...nge(time(IBM.Close)) Syr <- as.numeric(format(rng[1],"%Y")) Eyr <- as.numeric(format(rng[2],"%Y")) Smth <- as.numeric(format(rng[1],"%m")) for( yr in Syr:Eyr){ par(mfrow=c(4,3)) Temp1 <- IBM.Close[which(format(time(IBM.Close),"%Y")==yr),] Temp3 <- tapply(Temp1[,1],as.yearmon(time(Temp1)),FUN=mean) for(i in Smth:length(Temp3)){ i <- ifelse(i < 10, paste(0,i,sep=""),i) Date <- paste(i,yr,sep="-") Temp2 <- IBM.Close[which(format(time(IBM.Close),"%m-%Y")==Date),] plot(time(Temp2),T...
2005 Dec 29
Problems with calloc function.
Hi all, I have a C code in Linux, it has 7 pointers and compile e run OK, but when I run in R happens problems with calloc function, it returns NULL. ############################################### > int *temp1,*temp2,*temp3,*temp4; temp1 = (int *)calloc(col,sizeof(int)); if(temp1 == NULL){ printf("\n\n No Memory1!"); exit(1); } temp2 = (int *)calloc(col,sizeof(int)); if(temp2 == NULL){ >printf("\n\n No Memory2!"); >exit(1); } temp3 = (int *)calloc(col...
2010 Feb 04
random slope models with lme --> failured to converge
...33 78 2 27.71468 For this data, I want to construct a model with a random intercept and slope to compare with a model containing only the random intercept to check whether or not different individuals respond differently to treatment. > temp2.lme<-lme(eggtemp~treat,random=~treat|id,data=temp3.df) However, I get the below error, which I suspect might be because individuals are not replicated within treatments. > nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1 message = iteration limit reached without convergence (9) If I specify treatment as a factor (which it really is not, just dif...
2013 Mar 29
multiple plots and looping assistance requested (single plot)
...quot;, ":Atlantacitydata", ":Baltimorecitydata")) temp1<-lapply(temp,function(x) {x1<-x[,colSums(!=nrow(x)]; if( x1[complete.cases(x1),] else x1[complete.cases(x1)] }) # temp1<-lapply(temp1,function(x) x[]) #3 columns subset temp3<-temp1[lapply(temp1,length)==3] temp3New<-temp3[sapply(temp3,] pdf("Irucka.pdf") lapply(names(temp3New),function(i) {x<-temp3New[[i]]; matplot(x[,1],x[,-1],type="n",lty=1,sub=i,main="Seasonal Flux Sum", xlab="Calendar Year Timesteps",...
2004 May 18
dir.create bug (PR#6892)
...t; result [1] TRUE # Now try to create a directory that DOES already exist: > result <- dir.create("C:\\TEMP") Warning message: 'C:\TEMP' already exists > result [1] FALSE # Finally, try to create a directory that does NOT exist: > result <- dir.create("C:\\TEMP3") Warning message: 'C:\TEMP3' already exists > result [1] TRUE Notice that in the last case, result == TRUE as expected; however, the warning message should not be reported.
2012 Mar 29
Error, Variable is Missing
...a*beta*exp(-sigma*s^2/2) temp2 = (alpha-cplex*s)*(beta+cplex*s) out = (temp1/temp2)^rho out } temp.fn = function(s){ (Mod(cf.fn(s)))*cos(Arg(cf.fn(s))-s*y) } int.fn = function(t){sapply(t,FUN=temp.fn)} te = integrate(int.fn,lower=0,upper=Inf,rel.tol=1e-10,subdivisions=1000000) temp3 = ifelse(te$message == "OK",te$value/pi,NA) temp3 } GNL.pdf.fn(x[100],mu,sigma,alpha,beta,rho) L = rep(0,length(x)) pdf = function(x,mu,sigma,alpha,beta,rho) { for(i in 1:length(x)) { L[i] = GNL.pdf.fn(x,mu,sigma,alpha,beta,rho) } L } when i call the function pdf this an error...
2009 Jan 10
...39;005_avg' AND roi = '1033' AND timeseries_run = '1';") 7 > temp2 <- paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MyTemporaryTable2 SELECT * FROM time_series_small WHERE participant = '005_avg' AND roi = '1033' AND timeseries_run = '2';") 8 > temp3 <- paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MyTemporaryTable3 SELECT * FROM tvalFDR_small WHERE participant = '005_avg' AND roi = '1033' AND nogestureFDR > 1.95;") 9 > dbSendQuery(con, temp1) <MySQLResult:(436,20,1)> 10 > dbSendQuery(con, temp2) <MySQLResult:(4...
2013 Jan 28
Thank you your help.
Hi, temp3<- read.table(text=" ID CTIME WEIGHT HM001 1223 24.0 HM001 1224 25.2 HM001 1225 23.1 HM001 1226 NA HM001 1227 32.1 HM001 1228 32.4 HM001 1229 1323.2 HM001 1230 27.4 HM001 1231 22.4236 #changed here to test the previous solution ",sep="",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ?tem...
2005 May 25
Error with user defined split function in rpart (PR#7895)
...l routine's "label" # numy is the number of columns for y # summary is a function used to print one line in summary.rpart # text is a function used to put text on the plot in text.rpart # In general, this function would also check for bad data, see rpart.poisson # for instace. temp3 <- function(y, offset, parms, wt) { print("***** START: TEMP3 *****"); if (!is.null(offset)) y <- y-offset ret <- list(y=y, parms=0, numresp=5, numy=1, summary= function(yval, dev, wt, ylevel, digits ) { paste(" mean=", format(signif(yval, digi...
2006 Jan 04
matrix math
...alues in this dataframe should be the sum of the 2 other dataframe. (i.e. temp1$column 1+temp2$column1, temp1$column2+temp2$column2, etc) What is the best/easiest way to accomplish this? Is I wish to "multiply" (instead of sum) the columns, how do I? I tried: temp3<-as.matrix(temp1)+as.matrix(temp2) I get the following error message: “Error in as.matrix(temp1) + as.matrix(temp2) : non-numeric argument to binary operator” --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 23
Handle missing values
Hi everyone I am new to R and have a question about missing values. I am trying to do a cluster analysis of monthly temperatures and my data are 14 columns with spatial coordinates (lat,lon) and 12 monthly values: /lat - lon - temp1 - //temp2 - temp3 - .... - //temp12/ If I omit missing values (my missing values are 99.00) with /mydata <- na.omit(mydata)/ every row with a missing value (i.e. eleven good temperature values and one month missing) is deleted. I would like to retain all valid values for the k-means analysis but excluding...
2011 Mar 09
Anomaly with unique and match
I stumbled onto this working on an update to coxph. The last 6 lines below are the question, the rest create a test data set. tmt585% R R version 2.12.2 (2011-02-25) Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) # Lines of code from survival/tests/singtest.R > library(survival) Loading required package: splines
2015 Sep 15
CentOS-6 - LogWatch
On Mon, September 14, 2015 21:28, Always Learning wrote: > > On Mon, 2015-09-14 at 14:51 -0400, James B. Byrne wrote: > >> The Logwatch imapd service script distributed with CentOS-6 does not >> generate anything when I run logwatch --service all on a cyrus-imapd >> host. Is this expected behaviour? Is there a separate script for >> cyrus-imapd or are their
2010 Sep 15
HDP and 99% contour lines
...the scatterplot(s) from an output table; par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(temp1[,5], temp1[,6], xlab="log10(r)", ylab="log10(tf)", pch=46) plot(temp2[,5], temp2[,6], xlab="log10(r)", ylab="log10(tf)", pch=46) plot(temp3[,5], temp3[,6], xlab="log10(r)", ylab="log10(tf)", pch=46) plot(temp4[,5], temp4[,6], xlab="log10(r)", ylab="log10(tf)", pch=46) dev.print(device=pdf, height=12, width=10, file="Marginal.pdf") I would very muc...
2007 Dec 08
lmsensors sensors.conf file for gigabyte GA7N400 Pro2
...M, div = 8) fan2: 2083 RPM (min = 3013 RPM, div = 8) ALARM fan3: 1591 RPM (min = 3013 RPM, div = 8) ALARM M/B Temp: +30?C (low = +15?C, high = +40?C) sensor = thermistor CPU Temp: +26?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = thermistor Temp3: +57?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = diode That -12v at -15.70 is pretty obviously wrong, as is the -5 at -8.10, and the other voltages getting ALARMs are probably wrong too, though not by as much. The MB and CPU temps shown by the BIOS are 29 and 53, so that 26 shown as C...