search for: surs

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2004 Nov 29
systemfit - SUR
Hello to everyone, I have 2 problems and would be very pleased if anyone can help me: 1) When I use the package "systemfit" for SUR regressions, I get two different variance-covariance matrices when I firstly do the SUR regression ("The covariance matrix of the residuals used for estimation") and secondly do the OLS regressions. In the manual for "systemfit" on page
2004 Aug 06
quelques questions à propos d'icecast et autres outils associés...
bonjour, hello, buenas dias, ça ne fait pas longtemps que je suis sur cette mailing list, J'éspére que quelqu'un parle le français car techniquement je suis pas doué ni en anglais ni en d'autres langues... it isn't a long time i 'm on the mailing list, i hope someone is speaking french, because i don't write very well others languages about technical probléms... no
2003 Jul 16
Weighted SUR, 2SLS regressions
Is there an option for running SUR and 2SLS regressions with weighting (I am analysing mortality in towns, hence want to weight by population size) Many thanks Jon Anson -- Yonathan (Jon) Anson Department of Social Work Ben Gurion University of the Negev 84105 Be'er Sheva, Israel. Tel: +972 8 647 93 14(w) +972 8 6489286 (h) 067 233279 (m) Fax: +972 8 647 29 33
2009 Apr 13
joint estimation of two poisson equations
Dear list members, Is there a package somewhere for jointly estimating two poisson processes? I think the closest I've come is using the "SUR" option in the Zelig package (see below), but when I try the "poisson" option instead of the "SUR" optioin I get an error (error given below, and indeed, reading the documentation of the Zelig package, I get the impression
2008 Oct 13
heimdal/AD documentation
as i promise last week, a incomplete documentation about configuring a trust beetween a heimdal kdc and a windows AD domain really sorry for non-french speakers of course, i'm very interresting in any feedback... Pascal configuration - le realm Kerberos est DEMO.LOCAL - le realm du domaine AD est ad.demo.local La configuration du KDC lui m?me ne pr?sente pas de difficult?
2009 Aug 18
R formula
Hi I was trying to estimate simultaneous equation system in R using systemfit. I used the following commands >library(systemfit) > data(Kmenta) > attach(Kmenta) >eqDemand<-consump~price+income > eqSupply<-consump~price+farmprice+trend > fitsur<-systemfit("SUR",list(demand=eqDemand, supply=eqSupply)) and got the following error messege Error in
2012 Nov 13
About systemfit package
Dear friends, I have written the following lines in R console wich already exist in pdf file systemfit: data( "GrunfeldGreene" ) library( "plm" ) GGPanel <- GrunfeldGreene, c( "firm", "year" ) ) greeneSur <- systemfit( invest ~ value + capital, method = "SUR", + data = GGPanel ) greenSur I have obtained the following incomplete
2007 May 04
Error in if (!length(fname) || !any(fname == zname)) { :
Dear R users, I tried to fit a cox proportional hazard model to get estimation of stratified survival probability. my R code is as follows: cph(Surv(time.sur, status.sur)~ strat(colon[,13])+colon[,18] +colon[,20]+colon[,9], surv=TRUE) Error in if (!length(fname) || !any(fname == zname)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Here colon[,13] is the one that I want to stratify and the
2005 Aug 25
question sur R
bonjour je suis elève à l'ENSAI Rennes et je suis actuellement en stage de fin d'études j'ai une question sur R en fait lorsque le simule 2 lois normales qui sont mes 2 variables explicatives continus - une avec que des valeurs > 0 (ou que <0) X1 - l'autre peut prendre aussi bien des valeurs <0 ou >0 X2 et que je regresse le rating (facteur
2006 May 04
R pour débutant
Bonjour, Je suis actuellement doctorant (en fin de th?se) et je vais avoir besoin de me servir de R. Devant apprendre R tout seul, je suis tomb? sur un mail de vous disant que vous aviez r?aliser un tutorial sur ce logiciel pour des 100% d?butant comme moi J'aurai essentiellement ? utiliser des algo de clustering (SOM ou Nu?e dyna) sur des matrices pouvant faire 41x230 Cependant je
2007 Oct 26
Newey-West and SUR regression models
Is anyone aware of a procedure to apply Newey-West corrections for autocorrelation to a SUR regression model? The SANDWICH package seems to be applicable only to LM or GLM models. Thanks, Richard Saba Department of Economics Auburn University Email: sabaric at
2024 Feb 16
Packages sometimes don't update, but no error or warning is thrown
Hey everyone, Thanks for all the input. It's happening again. This time for the packages "DBI", "parallelly", "segmented", "survival", "V8". So, RStudio shows updates for those and updating them via RStudio leads to this output: ``` > install.packages(c("DBI", "parallelly", "segmented", "survival",
2008 Sep 22
Help for SUR model
I am an R beginner and trying to run a SUR model in R framework. subset(esasp500, Obs <=449 & Obs>=197, select = -Date) ->ev13sub c(Obs>=397) & c(Obs<=399) ->d13 c(Obs>=400) & c(Obs<=449) ->f13 SP500*f13 ->SP500f13 BBC~SP500+d13+SP500f13 ->sur132 BOW~SP500+d13+SP500f13 ->sur133 CSK~SP500+d13+SP500f13 ->sur134
2002 Jul 06
Aide sur samba
A monsieur Andrew Je suis ?tudiant en fin de cycle de formation en infomatique ? l'institut Africain d'informatique de Libreville.J'?tais sur vos sites et je suis persuad?s que vous ?tes la personne la bien plac?e pour m'orienter et m'aider sur un sujet concernant "l'authentification linux des sessions windows".Ainsi on me demande de concevoir et de mettre en
2011 Jun 28
How do I output all the R-squares of an SUR? summary(fitSUR$eq[[1:4]])$r.squared does not work
Greetings R Users, I have a system of equations for which I would like to output all the R-squares. Assume there are four equations in my system, the only way I found to output all the R-squares is by calling them out one by one as this: summary(fitSUR$eq[[1]])$r.squared summary(fitSUR$eq[[2]])$r.squared summary(fitSUR$eq[[3]])$r.squared summary(fitSUR$eq[[4]])$r.squared But isn't there a
2012 Aug 31
[Bug 2039] New: Give proper credits for ECDSA patch Priority: P5 Bug ID: 2039 Assignee: unassigned-bugs at Summary: Give proper credits for ECDSA patch Severity: normal Classification: Unclassified OS: All Reporter: ondrej at Hardware: All Status: NEW Version:
2006 Apr 28
Memoire defaillante
Bonjour, je travaille actuellement sur le logiciel R et mets en place des procédures d'analyse de données : sur des procédures de classification employant la commande dist(), je rencontre des problèmes de memoire : avec des data.frame d'environ 100 000 lignes j'obtiens le message d'erreur suivant : Error : cannot allocate vector of size 668 481 330 Ou une autre erreur souvent
2006 Jul 13
ols/gls or systemfit (OLS, WLS, SUR) give identical results
I might be sorry for asking this question :-) I have two equations and I tried to estimate them individually with "lm" and "gls", and then in a system (using systemfit) with "OLS", "WLS" and "SUR". Quite surprisingly (for myself at least) the results are identical to the last digit. Could someone (please!) give a hint as to what am I
2001 May 30
[BUG] ddraw sur wine-20010510
I confirm the ddraw problem in wine-20010510. I "downdated" yesterday: $ patch -p0 -R < wine-20010510.diff $ mv wine-20010510 wine-20010418 And reinstalled everything of course. Now Wine works fine. (So now it works again, I'll be able to follow g.patel's proposition for my other problem: *.ST file access within STew) Yves. --- I previously wrote: --- Up to 20010418, I had
2003 Apr 30
configuration de samba
bonjour , Je suis un debutant sur linux et je voudrais configurer samba pour 2 machines un sur windows 2000 et l'autre sous linux redhat 8.0 je souhaite que vous m'envoyez un exemple de configuration simple et qui puisse fonctionner car quand je surf sur le net je me brouille et j'ai pas exactement ce que je veux Coordialement