search for: requirments

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 89569 matches for "requirments".

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2008 Sep 30
error in fBasics package
When I try to load "fBasics" package, I get following error/warning : > library(fBasics) Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: fBasics Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: fBasics Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package:
2007 Dec 09
zpool kernel panics.
Hi Folks, I''ve got a 3.9 Tb zpool, and it is casing kernel panics on my Solaris 10 280r (SPARC) server. The message I get on panic is this: panic[cpu1]/thread=2a100a95cc0: zfs: freeing free segment (offset=423713792 size=1024) This seems to come about when the zpool is being used or being scrubbed - about twice a day at the moment. After the reboot, the scrub seems to have
1999 Jul 29
Strange problem with samba 1.9.18p10 on Solaris 2.6
Hy, I have currently a big problem with Win95 clients generating files with invalid inode types. This only happens with Quark documents created from scratch. Example: ?rwxrwxrwt 1 falkenbe av 35638891 Jul 29 16:02 /vol04/pc_03/Deerberg/ctp_Deerberg/test07 after copying the file it really is a file !! -rwxrwxrwx 1 schoenhe av 35638891 Jul 29 16:00
2013 Nov 11
Error in snapshot create in libvirt 1.1.4
Hi list, i currently have the following issue: I did a test upgrade to libvirt 1.1.4 and now i cannot create new snapshots which can be reverted. Following Situation: Virtualization: kvm Disktype: qcow2 qemu XML: <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> </cpu> Creating of snapshot: virsh snapshot-create-as <guest> <name> <description> --atomic Now i craete
2005 Aug 19
SciViews-R v8.7 and Rcmdr v1.0-2 (PR#8079)
Full_Name: Hamit AYDIN Version: R v2.1.1 OS: winxp Submission from: (NULL) ( When I try to run sciviews the consol opens but when I try to import text, spss... it tries to load rmcdr pakage gives me "the pakage can not be find inthe Package or bundle 'Rcmdr' was not found in C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw2011\library. Would you like to install it now?" I know the pakage in
2005 Jun 23
Voicemail recording cutoff when silent for 1 second
I have a new asterisk install (1.0.7) - and in case it's relevant I'm not using autoload option in modules.conf. Generally all is working well. However, when I make a call from my softphone and try to leave a message, the message is cutoff after a few seconds (whenever I pause for 1 second between words). Strangely, when I use an analog phone connected to my ATA, I can record as long as
2005 Aug 10
Not loading libraries
Dear list, I have a bunch of libraries that are automatically loaded when I start the R environment. How do I remove them? Output: fredrik at theodor:~/dokument/Thesis/Book$ make Making file voicing.tex from voicing.Rnw Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Loading required package: tcltk Loading required package: rgl Loading required package: zoo Loading required package: strucchange Loading
2014 Sep 19
[LLVMdev] predicates vs. requirements [TableGen,]
> -----Original Message----- > From: llvmdev-bounces at [mailto:llvmdev-bounces at] > On Behalf Of Tom Stellard > Sent: 19 September 2014 01:36 > To: Sanjay Patel > Cc: llvmdev at > Subject: Re: [LLVMdev] predicates vs. requirements [TableGen, >] > > On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 03:25:07PM -0600, Sanjay Patel wrote: >
2007 Apr 30
CentOS 5 single DVD for i386 and x86_64
Hello, I'd like to announce a release of a CentOS 5 DVD image, with i386 and x86_64 installations. This is an independent work, so please don't bother CentOS lists with bugs related to the installer only. Summary of changes: * i686 and x86_64 install from a single dvd (automatic detection on boot) * updates as of 2007-04-26 * no kdelibs-api-docs,, tetex-doc and most
2012 Oct 04
Intermittent connectivity issues for JDBC / Oracle
I have been experiencing issues with an R script hanging when connecting to an Oracle database. To help debug, I found a function here in the nabble forum and made a small test script: #!/usr/bin/Rscript --no-restore --no-save --no-init-file library("RJDBC") drv<-JDBC("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver","/home/oracle/lib/ojdbc6.jar", "'") dbCheck =
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
Thanks for your help so far Gaël, but I ran into more trouble. I installed the JDK on my system and the messages indicated the JVM version needs to be 1.6. Did you intend to link me to Java 7? LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/lib/amd64/server/:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/lib/amd64/ Buildfile: /path/to/code/vmkit/mmtk/java/build.xml main: [javac]
2013 Jul 18
Puppetlabs Apt module: dependency cycle
Using ```puppetlabs/apt``` in a puppet provisioner for vagrant. the module is installed in puppet/modules and I''m getting a strange Dependency cycle error. the code in the manifest file: # Run apt-get update when anything beneath /etc/apt/ changes #taken from exec { "apt-get
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
Ok, I have exactly the same problem when I compile, I will try to understand where is the problem. Gaël 2013/11/21 Gaël Thomas <gael.thomas00 at>: > Arg, you have to use a version strictly before the 7u25 (probably the > 7u21), sorry! > > I hope that it will work, because I also have problem to compile the > trunk version of vmkit (I haven't tested the trunk
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
Arg, you have to use a version strictly before the 7u25 (probably the 7u21), sorry! I hope that it will work, because I also have problem to compile the trunk version of vmkit (I haven't tested the trunk since two months). I'm investigating. Tell me if it works for you with an older version :) See you, Gaël PS: the warning messages are not important 2013/11/21 Adam Pridgen
2010 Sep 01
NoMethodError: undefined method `force_encoding' for "Conten
Hi everyone! Im trying to install mechanizer from I`ve clone the project into /tmp folder. When I do rake inside the folder /tmp/mechanizer it gives me this error: mac159180:mechanize renatosis$ rake (in /private/tmp/mechanize) /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -w -Ilib:bin:test:. -e ''require "rubygems";
2013 Nov 22
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
Is there a particular revision in the repository that I can checkout and work from? Thanks, -- Adam On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Gaël Thomas <gael.thomas00 at> wrote: > Ok, I have exactly the same problem when I compile, I will try to > understand where is the problem. > > Gaël > > 2013/11/21 Gaël Thomas <gael.thomas00 at>: >> Arg, you
2008 Apr 07
tcltk issue remains
Dear R-help, I'm trying to load the fGarch package and keep running into problems with tcltk: After succesfully instaling fGarch (and dependencies) I get: >library(fGarch) Loading required package: fBasics Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: robustbase Loading required package: fCalendar Loading required package: MASS Loading
2005 Aug 12
Problem with lme4
Hi, I cannot seem to get lme4 to work. I have installed the lme4 and Matrix package with apt-get. and both can be found in /usr/lib/R/site-library. When I tried an example for lmer, R could not find the function lmer(), > library(lme4) Attaching package: 'lme4' The following object(s) are masked from package:nlme : getCovariateFormula getResponseFormula
2002 Dec 26
changing passwords from win2k
I having been trouble by this for a few days now and was wondering if anyone else has had any luck with this? I am currently running Samba 2.2.6pre2 on FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE I have successfully set up samba to be the PDC I am unsuccessfully trying to change the passwords on the W2k box and I am recieving the error that the user name/password are incorrect make sure the caps lock is not on. When I
2022 Dec 16
dnf-makecache.service failing every few days and dnf-automatic.service samba sssd issues (again).
Hello everybody, Could someone give me an estimate on when the repositories are resolving the right dependencies for the freeipa pacakges in CentOS Stream release 8? I have about +10 systems sending me alerts everyday that dnf-automatic.service is failing because of the freeipa dependency issues. Since freeipa is one of the security elements I would like to give people an estimate on when