search for: notably

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2030 matches for "notably".

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2011 Feb 25
Named capture in regexp
Dear R core developers, One feature from Python that I have been wanting in R is the ability to capture groups in regular expressions using names. Consider the following example in R. > notables <- c(" Ben Franklin and Jefferson Davis","\tMillard Fillmore") > name.rex <- "(?<first>[A-Z][a-z]+) (?<last>[A-Z][a-z]+)" > (parsed <-
2010 Apr 06
rebased openSUSE Xen dom0 Patches
I''ve uploaded updated 2.6.31 and 2.6.32 rebased openSUSE Xen dom0 patches and ebuilds to Notable change is that both include the online resize feature recently posted to xen-devel. Andy _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2017 Jan 04
...> Error in seq.default("2", "5") : 'from' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite > >>"2", "5") > > [1] 2 3 4 5 > >> > > this may be a bit surprising (if one does _not_ look at the code), > indeed, notably because is mentioned to have more > restrictions than seq() which here calls seq.default(). > "Surprising" also when considering > > > "2":"5" > [1] 2 3 4 5 > > and the documentation of ':' claims 'from:to' to b...
2019 Dec 12
Dovecot 2.3 repo for CentOS 8.
On 09/12/2019 17:25, Aki Tuomi via dovecot wrote: >> On 09/12/2019 17:20 Reio Remma via dovecot <dovecot at> wrote: >> >> >> Hello! >> >> Are there any plans for an official Dovecot repo for CentOS 8? >> >> Thanks, >> Reio > (sorry for duplicate, user error in earlier one...) > > Yes. There are plans for the repo,
2014 Oct 25
[LLVMdev] Indirect call site profiling
...track the frequently taken target addresses and their call frequencies. The acquired data has uses in optimization of indirect function call heavy applications. Our initial findings show that using the profile data in optimizations would help improve the performance of some of the spec benchmarks notably. We have a proof of concept implementation, which we plan to put it up for review. However, I’d like to inquire prior if there are any plans or ongoing work done in the community to enable indirect call target profiling support or not. Please inform if cfe-dev is a better candidate for posting PGO...
2017 Jan 03
This is a message for someone familiar with the implementation. Superficially the R code for seq.default and the C code for appear to be semantically very similar. My question is whether, in fact, it is intended that behave identically for all inputs. I have found two cases so far where they differ, first that will coerce a character string to a real (via Rf_asReal) whereas
2017 Jan 23
Upcoming removal of std::auto_ptr (in C++1z)
The upcoming C++1z (probably C++17) standard will not contain several things - most notably auto_ptr. Soon, libc++ will not be providing auto_ptr by default when building in C++1z mode. You'll be able to get it back with a "-D_LIBCPP_ENABLE_CXX17_REMOVED_AUTO_PTR" on your command line, or "#define _LIBCPP_ENABLE_CXX17_REMOVED_AUTO_PTR" before including any libc++...
2018 Jul 21
Library lib.loc Option Ignored for Dependencies
...rary(), >> environment(.libPaths)$.lib.loc <- lib.loc Well, that is quite a "trick" -- and potentially a pretty dangerous one, not intended when making .libPaths a closure .... I do think that there is a problem with R's dealing of R_LIBS and other libPaths settings, notably when checking packages and within that recompiling vignettes etc, where the R process starts new versions of R via system() / system2() and then gets to wrong .libPaths() settings, and I personally would be very happy if we got reprex'es with small fake packages -- possibly only easily reproduc...
2024 Jan 29
strcapture performance when perl = TRUE
I wanted to raise the possibility of improving strcapture performance in cases where perl = TRUE. I believe we can do this in a non-breaking way by calling regexpr instead of regexec (conditionally when perl = TRUE). To illustrate this I've put together a 'proof of concept' function called strcapture2 that utilises output from regexpr directly (following a very nice substring approach
2014 Oct 26
[LLVMdev] Indirect call site profiling
...r call frequencies. >> >> The acquired data has uses in optimization of indirect function call >> heavy applications. Our initial findings show that using the profile >> data >> in optimizations would help improve the performance of some of the spec >> benchmarks notably. > > Can you quantify "notably?" Also, do you profile on one set of inputs > and then test the optimization on another set of inputs (e.g., the test > and train runs)? I can't give numbers, but we do collect data from train runs. >> We have a proof of concept imp...
2006 Feb 02
rake test_units slow on startup
Hi Running ''rake test_units'' using the simple example from the intro video is very slow on my computer. While the tests claim to execute in 0.17 secs, the startup time ad 5.3 seconds to the overall job. On the video, these tasks ran in about 1 second. (Maybe David was doing the tests on a dual proc mac or did some video editing, who knows.) But, I don''t think it should
2006 Dec 11
Index help on Polymorphic Associations
Hello, I''m a newbie to aaf and rails and I hope anyone can help me with this. I have the following Models: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authorizable acts_as_audited :except => [:created_by, :updated_by ], :user_class_name => ''AuthenticatedSystem'', :user_method => ''current_user'' acts_as_ferret :fields => {:name =>
2018 Nov 02
Plan for 1.40
I feel it's been many months since we had a stable release and we've added some significant new features in that time, notably support for v2v to OpenStack. If you have anything that you'd like to get in before 1.40 then let me know by following up. On my list are just two items: * virt-v2v documentation refactoring Preliminary patch posted here:
2015 Mar 23
quota setup assistance (postfix+dovecot+mysql)
Hello list, I have been struggling with establishing a working installation of dovecot with mySQL quota support. I have not been able to find a guide or tutorial that works for the current revisions of software I have at my disposal. Most notably, the error I see in the mail log is as follows : Mar 23 00:55:31 host dovecot: lmtp(328): Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/ Mar 23 00:55:31 host dovecot: lmtp(328): Error: dlopen(/usr/lib/dovecot/modules/ failed: /usr/lib/dovecot/module...
2017 Aug 30
Some hint on migration from a set of NT4 domains to an AD domain...
...branch offices when, here in italy, connectivity was a chime, and so we never minded about ''account management''. Many users have now accounts on every domain, and password to manage. Every domain is LDAP-backed, and LDAP provide account and password info for other services, most notably email (every samba domain have a compelling email domain). I'm not using winbind (apart for native NTLM auth, freeradius and squid). Initially my plan was to move every domain in his AD domain, doing after that some sort of ''foresting''. In this month, i've test-classicup...
2006 May 18
Request Routing Plugin ( :requirements => { :subdomain => ''thing'' } finally works)
Hi All, Just a quick note to say that I''ve released an intial version of the request routing plugin which essentially allows you to use various request object properties as requirements in routes. Most notably you can do: map.connect "thing", :controller => ''main'', :requirements => { :subdomain => ''whatever'' } ..just like the wiki claims you can do but you can''t :) It exposes several other request methods as well like domain, port, method...
2014 Aug 12
[LLVMdev] Plans for the Apple supported Darwin buildbot cluster
There as been a bit of talk about zorg recently, so I thought this would be a good time to share our plans for the darwin buildbots that live here: <> To be clear, those are not these buildbots: <> We are not talking about changing the main
2012 Sep 03
Calcular la media de filas en un data.frame
Estimada comunidad, no encuentro como calcular el promedio de las filas de un data.frame, ya que R por defecto aplica las funciones en sentido vertical me da la impresion ... podrian ayudarme ?? muchas gracias, Saludos, Eric. -- Nota: las tildes se han omitido para evitar conflictos con algunos lectores de correo. Frases notables: * SATYÂT NÂSTI PARO DHARMAH (No hay religion mas elevada
2004 Dec 09
US 2004 Elections map
...ebsite [ 20041103_px_ELECT_GRAPHIC.html ] If you're interested, contains the created maps, the data and the code. Note that there are some differences in the R map and the NYT map (most notably with respect to some missing data in some New England states, some mismatches in county names, and the representation of NYC), but I was quite satisfied with the map as it stands now. - Hedderik.
2017 Nov 10
[R-pkgs] Release of ess 0.0.1
...>> includes some R code, And I wouldn?t wonder if they would like to include >> it in a package?). As a matter of fact, we (the ESS core developers) have e-chatted about this and came to the conclusion that we could get along fine with an unrelated R package called 'ess', notably as the acronym also makes sense for the European Social Survey. We'd like to ask the 'ess' package authors to add something like the following to their ess/DESCRIPTION file: This package ess is named to match the European Social Survey (ESS). It is unrelated to the Emacs Speaks St...