search for: munich

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 770 matches for "munich".

2001 Nov 02
Smbclient - whats the Problem?
Hello! Canu tell me what the problem is? /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient /bin/smbclient -d 10 -M munich.sun.local added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Client started (version 2.2.2). resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name munich.sun.local<0x20> startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /usr/local/samba/lib/lmhosts. Error was No such file or dire...
2015 Jun 24
Post-doc in Systems Genetics, Gagneur lab, Munich
...meta-analysis; inferring disease-causing molecular pathways from genotype, phenotypes, and omics profile of patient-derived cell lines (transcritptomic, proteomic and metabolic). The developed methods will be applied to data from our collaborator Dr. Holger Prokisch, Institute of Human Genetics of Munich (cellular respiratory disorders) and will lead to functional validation studies directly on cell lines derived from patients. The successful candidate will be part of SOUND, an international research project funded by the European Commission within its Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programm...
2012 Jan 05
ggplot2 - tricky problem
Hello, R friends,  I've been struggling quite a bit with ggplot2. Having worked through Hadleys book twice I still wonder how to solve this task. 1. Short example Dataframe: id    city    Likeability    Uniqueness 1    Berlin    5    3 2    Munich    4    4 3    Berlin    6    4 4    Munich    5    4 2. Task: a) Facetting plots for each attitude (1 plot for likeability and uniqueness each, horizontally on one page) b) Showing Berlin and Munich together on x axis c) Showing the means of Berlin and Munich on y axis (means of cities in likeab...
2003 Nov 11
OT: English and French translations of "Munich Migration Case Study" seems to be available
Hi, all, I stumbled across this page (German language) announcing the availability of the "Munich Migration Case Study" (my translation of the title): What some of our international readers might be interested in is the last sentence of this paragraph: Da das Interesse an diesem Projekt sehr hoch ist, hat sich die LHM entschlossen,...
2017 Nov 21
Data Scientists, Biostatisticians and Bioinformaticians (LMU Munich)
We are currently looking for Data Scientists, Biostatisticians and Bioinformaticians for the Data Analysis Group at the newly founded Data Integration Center at the Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry and Epidemiology, LMU Munich. The tasks of the Data Analysis Group include the development and implementation of new techniques for data analysis, data quality assessment and visualisation, as well as the development of secure distributed data analysis approaches. The group will collaborate with other university hospitals thr...
2010 Feb 18
Munich R Course - Parallel Computing with R
Dear R users, at March 15. & 16. there will be an R course for 'Parallel Computing with R' in Munich at the super computer center. The course is part of the Munich R Course series and gives an introduction to parallel computing with R. Especially the R packages snow, snowfall, multicore, nws and Rmpi will be used. The course is a hands-on tutorial with a lot of different examples. Furthermore,...
1998 Dec 04
Synchonisation between NIS and encrypted SMBPASSWD
Hello, does somebody have a tool to convert a /etc/passwd to a smbpasswd with getting a valid Lan Manager and NT hash. or does anybody have a trick, how I can synchronise the /etc/passwd with the smbpasswd without changing a unix passwd twice (passwd,smbpasswd). Thanks, Martin *********************************************************************** ** Martin Schuster ** Nortel DASA Network
2018 Apr 20
Down C6 ALL without torrent ?
On Thu, 2018-04-19 at 07:59 -0500, Valeri Galtsev wrote: > Aha, now I understand what you want. It probably doesn't exist on master > repository server. You can re-master DVD from two of them or from a copy > of content of both in some directory on hard drive. Unsure how to remaster two DVDs, total 6GB?, onto a USB stick. I can copy both DVDs to a directory. To make the directory
2006 May 07
Hello, I am looking for a Rails developer with strong J2EE background asap. You will participate in a team to develop a new inhouse-system for international use for a respectable and well known company. Creative thinking, dedication and good problem solving skills are a must. Required Skills: J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, RoR, SQL German language skills are not needed. This is a long
2012 Jan 06
Reply on "ggplot2 - tricky problem"
That comes really close to what I had in mind. Thanks a lot for helping out, Justin! Good luck,  Mario Re: [R] ggplot2 - tricky problem how bout: dat<-data.frame(id=1:4,city=c('berlin','munich'),likeability=c(5,4,6,5),uniqueness=c(3,4,4,4)) ggplot(ddply(melt(dat,                           id.vars=c('id','city')),                   .(variable,city),                   summarise,                   value=mean(value)),           aes(x=factor(city),y=value)) + geom_point()...
2013 Aug 27
R Language Newbie
Hi, set.seed(29) myVector<- rnorm(100) ?seq(1,100,by=2) # [1]? 1? 3? 5? 7? 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 #[26] 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 myVector[seq(1,100,by=2)] rev(myVector) ?sum(myVector>0) #[1] 46 #or ?table(myVector>0) # #FALSE? TRUE ?#? 54??? 46 A.K. Hey guys, this is my first week
2009 Aug 24
Samba "use sendfile" configuration option set do disabled as default - why?
Hello, I had problems with speed of Samba, so I was looking for some solution and I had discovered "use sendfile" configuration option. I was checking all Samba release notes and I had discovered, that from some version (older than is in CentOS repo) this option was turned on as default. So my question is, why in CentOS 5.3 is that option in default set to off? Thank you for responses
2007 May 22
German Map in package maps
Hello everybody, I'm an absolute newbe in R, so please be gentle to me. I am looking for a german map in the package maps by Becker and Wilks. After that I want to draw the German cities from world.cities of this package in the map and want to draw further a line from Berlin to Munich. Has anybody an idea? Thank you so much and sorry for the question! Best regards from Berlin, Maja! --
2008 Aug 08
Multivariate regression with constraints
...ssion, i.e. R2~-1+p1+R1, the coefficient for p1 is not significant. I wonder if I can run this bivariate regression again with the constraint that the coefficient for p1 in the second regression equation is zero? Thanks a lot. Sincerely, Yanwei Zhang Department of Actuarial Research and Modeling Munich Re America Tel: 609-275-2176 Email:<> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Aug 04
Multivariate Regression with Weights
...y_2~x_1+x_2 var(y_1)=x_1*sigma_1^2 var(y_2)=x_2*sigma_2^2 cov(y_1,y_2)=sqrt(x_1*x_2)*sigma_12^2 How can I specify this in R? Is there a corresponding function to the univariate specification lm(y~x,weights=x)?? Thanks. Sincerely, Yanwei Zhang Department of Actuarial Research and Modeling Munich Re America Tel: 609-275-2176 Email:<> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 19
dovecot2 latest beta5 acl not working properly ? setacl etc with plain telnet session, and i have no error in verbose logging but it looks like acl is only working partly with some clients so show acls is working mostly but setting only partly horde/imp and mulberry dont show any acls any idea? -- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer Germany/Munich/Bavaria
2004 Jan 20
Sytem Requirements for R for Win XP
...output files of appr. 16 MB each? Thank you very much in advance, Derk Bemeleit ----------------------------------------------- A--------T T-------A Dipl.-Biol. Derk Bemeleit G-----C Lab: A 4.65 T-A Gene Center and Institute of Biochemistry A-----T University of Munich G--------C Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25 C--------G 81377 Munich A-----T Germany G-C Tel: +49 (0) 89 2180-76961 T-----A Fax: +49 (0) 89 2180-76999 G--------C e-mail: [[alternative HTML versi...
2006 Apr 25
CHANUNAVAIL, busy and congestion
...his time (1:0/0/1) -- Executing NoOp("IAX2/sanset-5", "CHANUNAVAIL") in new stack -- Executing Goto("IAX2/sanset-5", "s-CHANUNAVAIL|1") in new stack -- Goto (sansetuplink,s-CHANUNAVAIL,1) -- Executing Dial("IAX2/sanset-5", "IAX2/munich:redbus@london/0089538881220*") in new stack -- Called munich:redbus@london/0089538881220* -- Call accepted by (format gsm) -- Format for call is gsm -- IAX2/london-15 is making progress passing it to IAX2/sanset-5 -- IAX2/london-15 is ringing -- IAX2/lond...
2008 Jul 13
folder deletion fails dbox
...s, but there is also no entry for delete trys all debug level are in the highest stage on this testing server i used the last 1.1.1 from the debian rep wich is brand new from tonight as your expansion patch from %d with deliver is included and works -- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer Germany/Munich/Bavaria
2016 Nov 01
Samba-tool SUBDOMAIN Problem
Hi, i have setted up a DC ESC.LAN, if i try to do "samba-tool domain join MUNICH.ESC.LAN SUBDOMAIN -Uadministrator" i get the following error, how can i build up a AD Subdomain (Domain Tree) [root at MUC-PDC ~]# samba-tool domain join MUNICH.ESC.LAN SUBDOMAIN -Uadministrator Administrator password will be set randomly! Finding a writeable DC for domain 'ESC.LAN'...