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2012 Oct 04
Creating vegetation distance groups from one column
Hi R listers, I am trying to group distances of nests to the vegetation into classes that are define by (0-5m, 6-10m, 11-15m, 16-20m, 21-25m, 26-30m, 31-35m, 36-40m, 41-45m, 46-50m, 51-55m, 56-60m). Each row is a nest and all the distances to the vegetation is in a column. In plyr, I have tried - below script but I think I am going about this the wrong way and am not successful. #Veg index
2012 Jan 19
Interpreting script - write.csv
Hi All, I am a beginner to R and a prof helped me with some script. I am having trouble understanding the below line. Is it finding the file turtlehatch.csv? I do not have my working directory set to this file. If so I tried ("file.choose") and it did not work. R did nothing in response, no error message with this entry and the below entry. Can you please help me interpret? :
2012 Jan 25
How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Hi R-listers, I have developed 47 GLM models with different combinations of interactions from 1 variable to 5 variables. I have manually made each model separately and put them into individual tables (organized by the number of variables) showing the AIC score. I want to compare all of these models. 1) What is the best way to compare various models with unique combinations and different number
2012 Oct 05
Hi R-listers, I am trying to do an ANOVA for the following scatterplot and received the following error: library(car) scatterplot(HSuccess ~ Veg, data =, xlab = "Vegetation border (m)", ylab = "Hatching success (%)") anova(HSuccess ~ Veg, Error in UseMethod("anova") : no applicable
2012 Jan 18
Error in variable ' _' converted to a factor AND *tmp*
I am wondering if anyone can tell me what the error I'm receiving means below. I thought it said that Aeventexhumed should be converted to a factor, so I tried to do so and received the following error. Please advise. J --------------------------------------------------------- > <- glm(cbind(MaxHatch, TotalEggs-MaxHatch) ~ > Aeventexhumed, family=binomial,
2012 Apr 01
NaN - trouble fixing NaN
Hi R-listers, I am using the package plyr. I am just trying to get the hatching success mean of each nesting event and have typed in the following and received the below results: > tapply(HSuccess, Aeventexhumed, mean) A B C 0.2156265 0.1288559 NaN What can I do about NaN? I should be able to get a result for event C because I was able to
2012 May 12
masked by GlobalEnv ???
Hi R Listers, I am trying to upload a data file and I received this message. It seems that I am still able to make graphs and Aeventexhumed still works in the analysis. Can I ignore this message or do I need to do something about this? Jean > require(plyr) Loading required package: plyr > turtlehatch <- read.csv(file.choose()) > attach(turtlehatch) The following object(s) are
2012 May 26
Values in scatterplot??
Hi R-listers, I am having trouble plotting the values for the R2 line, lowess smooth, smothered conditional spread, outlier identification. I have tried the function text and legend but was unsuccessful. Please see below. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jean library(car) > SPHSHTL <- scatterplot(HSuccess ~ HTL, + data =, +
2012 Oct 06
R Update Failed !!!
Hi R-listers, I just tried updating my R and now I can't even open it and it is prompting me to relaunch then relaunch just reappears. And it will not open R. I am afraid I may have lost my scripts. What should I do? I am running a MacBook OS X Version 10.5.8 1) Restore the entire system to an earlier date? 2) Drag R from applications and reload R program (updated version)? Will my
2012 Oct 07
Error - function join()
Hi R-listers, In plyr I am using coding I have used before but an error seems to be apparent. Has the function "join" been replaced by another word? I tried this before and it didn't work and then worked for me. But now it is not working again. Please advise, Jean > <- join(responses, envir, by="QuadratEvent") Error: could not find function
2012 Oct 08
aov() usage
Hi R-listers, I am wondering if the function aov() in plyr is appropriate for two different types of tests: 1) > summary(aov(EDI ~ VegIndex, AND 2) > summary(aov(HSuccess ~ VegIndex + Aeventexhumed + VegIndex:Aeventexhumed, the later inclusive of an interaction of the two explanatory variables. This is for obtaining P value and F
2012 Oct 04
Error not found - for file retrieval with head()
Hi R-listers, I am in plyr and using the script below and when I try to pull up the .csv file with head() it does not show up. I am not sure where I am going wrong. I have also checked the file box for turtlehatch.csv and it still does not show up when I head(turtlehatch.csv). Am I missing a command? Please advise, Jean > devel.index <- function(values, weights=c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) { +
2012 Feb 07
binomial vs quasibinomial
After looking at 48 glm binomial models I decided to try the quasibinomial with the top model 25 (lowest AIC). To try to account for overdispersion (residual deviance 2679.7/68 d.f.) After doing so the dispersion factor is the same for the quasibinomial and less sectors of the beach were significant by p-value. While the p-values in the binomial were more significant for each section of the
2012 Oct 06
warning in summary(aov())
Hi R-listers, I am receiving an error - see below. Aeventexhumed is the event in which nesting occured, so it is defined by A, B, C. I thought as a factor was ok, tried to change it to as.character but it still gave me the same error. Is there something I should do about this error or just ignore it? Please advise, Jean >summary(aov(EDI ~ HTLIndex + Aeventexhumed + HTLIndex:Aeventexhumed,
2012 Jan 19
add1 GLM - Warning message, what does it mean?
Hi All, I am wondering if anyone can tell me what the warning message below the model means? J add1(DTA.glm,~ Aeventexhumed + Veg + Berm + HTL + Estuary + Rayos) Single term additions Model: cbind(MaxHatch, TotalEggs - MaxHatch) ~ Aeventexhumed + Veg + Berm + HTL Df Deviance AIC <none> 488.86 4232.9 Estuary 1 454.96 4201.0 Rayos 3 258.80 4008.9 Warning
2012 Feb 10
Q - scatterplots
I was able to make a scatterplot but ... 1) what does the "86" mean? The "86" shows up on the graph as well. > scatterplot (Shells/TotalEggs ~ Sector, data = [1] "86" 2) Also how do you change the Y axis title? I don't want it to read Shells/TotalEggs, instead I would like it to read Average Hatching Rate (%). 3) What does this error mean?
2012 May 19
Q - scatterplot, plot function & trellis linear regressions???
Hi R-listers, Q1) What is the difference between the scatterplot and plot function? Q2) I am able to make a graph with the scatterplot function: scatterplot(DevelopIndex ~ Veg, + data = Turtle, + xlab = "Vegetation border (m)", + ylab = "Embryonic development index") And have been successful. But I do not know if the lines are for:
2012 May 15
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'Rayos' not found???
Hi R-listers, I am trying to make a trellis boxplot with the HSuccess (y-axis) in each Rayos (beach sections) (x-axis), for each Aeventexhumed (A, B, C) - nesting event. I am not able to do so and keep receiving: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'Rayos' not found Please advise, Jean require(plyr) resp <- read.csv("ABC Arribada R File Dec 12 Jean
2012 Jan 18
I am trying to create a frequency distribution and I am a bit confused. Here are the commands I have entered: > data <- read.csv(file="40609_sortedfinal.csv",head=TRUE,sep=",") > NumberOfActionsByStatus = data$STATUS > NumberOfActionsByUser = data$ETS_LOGIN > NumberOfBidOffer = data$BID_OFFER > NumberOfActionsByUser.freq = table(NumberOfActionsByUser) >
2012 Jan 20
GLM - fixed responses?
Hi everyone, I just did a GLM binomial regression. I am wondering how do I know when my responses are fixed? I have found that an interaction between two factors is the most significant predictor amongst other factors by comparing the AIC and add1 with each factor. Does this mean that the interaction between these two factors are my fixed responses? I would like to do a quasibinomial