search for: hasstatus

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 72 matches for "hasstatus".

2008 Dec 24
Conditionals allowed within types?
Hello, I''m trying to do this: service { monit: ensure => running, enable => true, hasrestart => true, if ($operatingsystem == ''centos'') { hasstatus => true, }, require => Package[''monit''], subscribe => File[''monit.conf''], } And it doesn''t work in 24.6. Perhaps setting the variable outside will be better. In 0.24.7, the error is a bit worse. Instead of an error, the cla...
2006 Nov 29
status and hasstatus
If I specify a command to detect status do I still have to use hasstatus to tell Puppet that the init script doesn''t have a status command?
2012 Feb 01
hasstatus return code
...tatus command to my startup script in order to reduce the number of iptables restart. I wasn''t able to find out what return code puppet was waiting for a running service ? If iptables is running does the script should return 0 ? If not running it should return 1 ? Then I''ll add hasstatus => true, to my service. Regards Hugo -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to puppet-users+unsubscribe@googlegr...
2008 Aug 04
using running - should it always restart?
Hi, I am fairly new to using puppet, but have it setup on 25 machines. Just doing some basic configuration management. Recently I decided to try working with updating some services config files and used the ensure => running tags. My question is simple - if the source file does NOT change and I use a subscribe, why does the system keep restarting the daemon every time puppet runs? A simple
2009 Apr 27
[PATCH server] fix the ovirt-mongrel-rails restart problem in the installer if ran more than once
Due to the service name not matching the actual process name, puppet thinks that ovirt-mongrel-rails is never running and tries to start it everytime the installer runs, this adds the hasstatus option to use a service status check rather than puppet's process grep method. --- installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/ovirt.pp | 3 ++- 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) diff --git a/installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/ovirt.pp b/installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/ovirt.pp inde...
2009 Jul 10
Tracking down ensure => running problem
I''m trying to figure out how "ensure => running" determines whether a service is running or not (CentOS using init controlled services). I have a custom service that has enable => running set on it: service { "foo": ensure => running, enable => true } Every time puppet runs I see this: notice: //Service[foo]/ensure: ensure changed
2010 May 21
SSH service not getting restarted
...s => "grep ''Banner /etc/motd'' /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/ null" } service { sshd: ensure => running, subscribe => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"], hasrestart => true, hasstatus => true, restart => "/etc/init.d/sshd restart", status => "/etc/init.d/sshd status" } } -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send ema...
2012 Jul 09
Trouble installing packages with Puppet on Arch Linux
...#39;python-pymongo'': ensure => present, } package { ''python-tornado'': ensure => present, } package { ''supervisor'': ensure => present, } service { ''mongodb'': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => false, } service { ''nginx'': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => false, } Exec[''sudo pacman -Syuw --noconfirm''] -> Package[''mongodb''] -> Package[''nginx''] -> Package['...
2012 Nov 13
Puppet client won't autostart
I''m getting this problem on all the puppet client''s I''ve been setting up and it''s got me both scratching my head (because I''m not seeing anything obvious in any system logs) and pausing in my rollout until I get it solved: # puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true Error: Could not start Service[puppet]: Execution of
2009 Nov 04
Using before=> in a definition...
...naming_port) { .... service { "jboss-$inst": require => [ Package["jboss-server"], Package["jboss-server-$inst"] ], ensure => running, enable => true, hasrestart => true, hasstatus => true } .... } class jboss { .... file { "/some/file.xml": source => "puppet://$server/jboss/conf/some/file.xml" } .... } jboss_inst { tfel0: inst => "tfel0", version => $jboss_version, naming_port => &qu...
2013 Nov 16
frustrating dependency problem { include foo package{ "test": ensure => running, notify => Foo::Myservice[''test''], } } services.pp define foo::myservice($service = $title) { service { "$service": enable => true, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, } } So, you can see my goal is to have a single defined service function that takes a service "name" as a parameter and then I can notify it with different services names. But, I keep getting this: Error: Failed to apply catalog: Could n...
2011 Nov 02
Class Including.
...ears that splunkforwarder::common isn''t including splunkforwarder::enabled... class splunkforwarder::enabled { service { ''splunkforwarder'': ensure => running, enable => true, hasrestart => true, hasstatus => true; } } class splunkforwarder::common { include splunkforwarder::enabled } class splunkforwarder::app_server inherits splunkforwarder::common { # stuffs } Doug. -- Regards, Douglas Garstang Email: Cell: +1-805-...
2010 Jun 17
Could not find class, code-blind
...`-- rhn.pp A `cat'' from each manifest file: client.pp:: class rhnds::client inherits rhnsd::common { service { "rhnsd": ensure => running, enable => true, hasrestart => true, hasstatus => true, require => [ Package["rhnsd"], File["/etc/ sysconfig/rhn/up2date"] ], subscribe => File["/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date"], } } common.pp:: class rhnds::common inherits rhnsd { if ($ope...
2010 Nov 11
Problem with modules
...sql84-libs", "postgresql84-contrib"] package { "$packagelist": ensure => "installed", } service { "postgresql": enable => true, ensure => running, hasstatus => true, require => Package["postgresql84-server"], restart => true, } } But when I try to apply this I get: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find class postgres at /etc/puppet/manifests/n...
2009 Jun 23
[PATCH server] add postgres permissions requires prior to starting service
...1,7 +41,7 @@ class postgres::bundled{ service {"postgresql" : ensure => running, enable => true, - require => Single_exec[initialize_db], + require => [Single_exec[initialize_db],Exec[postgres_add_localhost_trust]Exec[postgres_add_all_trust]], hasstatus => true } --
2009 Jul 06
[PATCH server] add ipv6 postgres trust
...require => [Single_exec[initialize_db],Exec[postgres_add_localhost_trust],Exec[postgres_add_all_trust]], + require => [Single_exec[initialize_db],Exec[postgres_add_localhost_trust],Exec[postgres_add_all_trust],Exec[postgres_add_ipv6_loopback_trust]], hasstatus => true } @@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ class postgres::bundled{ notify => Service[postgresql] } + exec {"postgres_add_ipv6_loopback_trust": + command => "/bin/echo 'host all all ::1/128 trust' >> /var/lib/pgsql...
2012 Feb 06
Ensure service nsca
...#39;s try to stop nsca daemon. This is my configuration: service { $nscasvc: ensure => stopped, enable => false, pattern => "$nscapattern", require => Class["nsca::install"], } If I add hasstatus => true work perfectly on gentoo but work bad on debian. Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to puppe...
2007 Sep 02
handling rc.conf / freebsd init scripts
...::os/freebsd.pp:: class freebsd { package { "portupgrade": ensure => "installed" # chicken or the egg! } service { sendmail: name => "sendmail", ensure => stopped, hasstatus => true, provider => init, stop => "env sendmail_enable=\"YES\" /etc/rc.d/sendmail stop" } service { ntpd: name => "ntpd", ensure => running, hasstat...
2013 Oct 24
SSH Module with multiple conditions
...'root'', group => ''root'', mode => 0440, source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/ssh_config", require => Class["ssh::install"], } } class ssh::service { service { $ssh::params::ssh_service_name: ensure => running, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, enable => true, require => Class["ssh::config"], } } class ssh { include ssh::params, ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service } Here are the configuration files under the file files directory... [root@puppet ssh]# find files file...
2010 Mar 02
Nagios based on David Schmitt's Complete Config : variables are empty
...[ ''nagios3-common'', ''nagios-plugins-basic'' ]: ensure => installed, before => Package[''nagios'']; } service { ''nagios3'': alias => ''nagios'', ensure => running, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, } file { "$nagios_cfgdir/htpasswd.users": content => "admin:QqtpoTN5OGzmA", mode => 0640, owner => root, group => www-data, } File <<| tag == ''nagios'' |>> d...