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2018 Apr 05
A9 Scheduler
Hi, I am having some trouble understanding the scheduling scheme for the C-A9. Looking at the file I find this line that overrides the target SchedWrite with processor specific latencies. def : SchedAlias<WriteALU, A9WriteALU>; However, in this same file, I find the lines presented below, which are mapping the SchedReadWrite to, for example, the ANDri instruction. //
2014 Oct 15
Domain Controllers virtualized KVM
Hello to you all! We are implementing here at the University KVM virtualization for our servers and services and i was wondering if anyone virtualized domain cotrollers to KVM. Does anyone done this before? Any advice? -- Andry Michaelidou Papa | IT Systems Administrator|Department of Computer Science| University of Cyprus Tel: +357.22.892734 | Fax: +357.22.8927231 |
2011 Sep 13
Min of
With the help of Andrie on, I was able to learn about ddply. I have another question that is more trivial and cannot seem to find help on IRC and do not want to bother Andrie again. I can't seem to figure out what to google for, so I thought I'd ask here. I have: library(plyr) df_diff <- ddply(df, .(SOURCE), summarize, TIME_DIFF=-unclass(diff(REQUEST_DATE))) df_diff
2009 Sep 03
R: "biplot" graphical options?
Thanks Andris, Michael and Petr for your prompt and kind feedbacks. I will try generating my own biplot from low-level graph commands... I hope it will work. Best regards, Marco -- Marco Manca, MD University of Maastricht Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) Cardiovascular Research Institute (CARIM) PO Box 616 6200 MD Maastricht E-mail: m.manca at Office
2007 Jul 30
Bind together two vectors of different length...
Dear everyone, I've got difficulties in realizing the following task: I have two vectors: A <- c(1:10) B<- seq(1,10,2) Now I want to make a table form vectors A and B as rows, and if a value of A isn't present B, then I want to put a N/A symbol in it: Output should look like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 How can I do this in R? Thank you. -- Andris
2001 Oct 28
Ext3 partition not appearing in df output
Hello, I converted my / partition to ext3 from ext2 today, and I'm using kernel 2.4.13+ext3 patch I used tune2fs -j and set the filesystem to auto in fstab, and compiled ext2 as well as ext3 in the kernel Upon rebooting, I tried df -hT to see if it had worked, and to my surprise it didn't list my root partition dmesg say it's fine (and btw everything works fine) kjournald
2017 Jun 27
suggestion to fix packageDescription() for Windows users
>>>>> Nathan Sosnovske via R-devel <r-devel at> >>>>> on Mon, 26 Jun 2017 18:22:25 +0000 writes: > I'd be curious to know what others think of Rich's > patch. If it is acceptable, I can spend time that I was > going to look at it this week on another bug. It is a bit kludgy (*) of course, but I confirm it solves
2007 Mar 23
Get "home" directory and simple I/O
Is there any generic function that gets the "home" directory? This should return /home/<user> in Linux and x:/Documents and Settings/<user> (or whatever) in Windows XP. Another (unrelated) question: what is the _simplest_ way to read and write R variables to/from files such that they are stored in a human-readable but R-like form? For example, if (say), x is a vector
2023 Dec 11
Base R wilcox.test gives incorrect answers, has been fixed in DescTools, solution can likely be ported to Base R
While using the Hodges Lehmann Mean in DescTools (DescTools::HodgesLehmann), I found that it generated incorrect answers (see <> The error is driven by the existence of tied values forcing wilcox.test in Base R to switch to an approximate algorithm that returns incorrect results - see
2017 Jun 26
suggestion to fix packageDescription() for Windows users
I'd be curious to know what others think of Rich's patch. If it is acceptable, I can spend time that I was going to look at it this week on another bug. -----Original Message----- From: Rich Calaway Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 6:34 PM To: Nathan Sosnovske <nsosnov at>; Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at>; Andrie de Vries <apdevries at>
2006 May 26
Indexing vector with repeated values
Hi all, I have a vector which contains many repeated values. >Z <- c(1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,5,5,2,3,4,5) I need to know how many times each number in this vecetor is repeated. I can use a command like this: > table (cut(Z,seq(1,5,1))) (1,2] (2,3] (3,4] (4,5] 4 4 3 5 But how can I find a break points for vector with random values and random number sequence
2007 Apr 16
Greek symbols in xtable rows
Dear R-helpers, I am using xtable package to prepare a Latex code of some R tables. Is this possible to have a greek symbols in xtable cells? How can I get for example a string of : $\Delta$ > "$\Delta$" [1] "$Delta$" And string: > "$\\Delta$" [1] "$\\Delta$" Gives a latex aoutput like: \$$\backslash$Delta\$ Thank You in advance Andris
2006 Mar 30
Question about for loop?
Hello useRs, I can't figure out how can I store a data frame of values of X and D from this loop: Z <- c(1:10) for (i in 1:(length(Z)-2)) {D <- x[1:(2+i)]; X <- paste("x",sep="",i) print (X) print (D) } Thank You, Andris Jankevics
2003 Jul 27
wi AP + acx100 client don't work
Hi! I have PC running FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE and installed Z-COM XI-626 PCI (Prism 2.5). When I try to directly connect notebook (running WinXP) with acx100 chip based card to FreeBSD I can't connect. I try connect running wi in AP and Ad-Hoc modes. NOP. Cards can see each other but can't connect. :( I is possible to connect these cards? Thanks. Andris
2012 Nov 27
KVM online backup images
Hello to you all! We are implementing here at the University KVM virtualization for our servers and services and i was wondering if anyone try to automatically backup images. I am actually using logical volumes for the VM guests. All virtual clients are installed in their LVM logical volume. We are already use IBM TSM for backup as we used to when we had physical machines, ie install client
2010 Oct 19
EnumDisplayDevicesW crash
Hi! I see a crash follwing the call of EnumDisplayDevicesW I've tried to install NFS Underground and Underground 2. The app crashes after entering the key. I tried running notepad.exe. It runs fine. Distro: Kubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS Tried wine version 1.2 and 1.3 (I'll try to post finer version datail soon. Installed from repo.) Since I suspect an issue around video settings, here
2015 Apr 23
CRAN submit page down
Andrie noticed that first, and I can confirm: from our end, it looks as if the backend to is currently down. Dirk -- | @eddelbuettel | edd at
2010 Feb 08
Can I use direct attached storage as a shared filesystem in Xen
I have a quad core server in which I want to run 4 virtual servers. On this server I have a 1/2 terabyte raid 1 I have split between the 4 members that have the OS on it. I have raid 5 10 terabyte internal storage running on a 3ware 9690a card. I want to share this storage between the servers without partitioning it. Is this possible? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment
2016 Apr 24
Using read.csv() to import data
I am just beginning to learn R, using _R for Dummies_ by Andrie de Vries and Joris Meys. I am using Windows 7, and RGui (64-bit) version 3.0.2. I have reached the chapter on "Getting Data Into and Out of R." But the code they use for importing data doesn't seem to be working for me. Their example is:> elements <- read.csv(file.path("f:", "elements.csv"))
2017 Jun 23
suggestion to fix packageDescription() for Windows users
Hi Duncan, I'm guessing I'll be able to look at this over the weekend/next week (probably closer to next week). It is on my list of things to do and I've just had a few other prior commitments that I have to finish first. Sorry for the delay. I'll chime in with a status update next week. Nathan -----Original Message----- From: R-devel [mailto:r-devel-bounces at]