I''ve tried going thru the archives, but it''s like looking for
needle in a haystack. I''ve also tried the man page, but I
understand the syntax (not a native Unix user). I''m new to
rsync, and have managed to get our systems on a backup sched
with rsync in the office. That works great, and all is good.
My last task is to get rsync to pull the files off our
webserver, located at a data center, to our backup. I can''t
seem to get the syntax right for this.
The inhouse looks like:
rsync OPTIONS "/cygdrive/c/Docs n Settings"
With ''backupmachine'' running an rsync daemon (boss set that
This is where I am with the internet command:
rsync OPTIONS /cygdrive/c/backups/sourcename2 :
user@server.on.internet.com:"/cygdrive/c/Dos n Settings"
Thank you for any help you can offer.
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