Dear all, Our institute has an open position for a Ph.D. student on modeling gene network in stem cells. here is the official announcement: --- The Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Department of Cell Biology, RWTH Aachen University Medical School and Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University invites applications of highly motivated individuals for a PhD Student Position (Bioinformatics) We invite applications of highly motivated individuals for a PhD student position on the bioinformatics of gene networks in stem cells. The successful applicant will work in an international team and apply standard techniques of bioinformatics on stem cell reprogramming and pluripotency, stem cell specification and dendritic cell development. Working language is English. The position is in collaboration with the RWTH Graduate School Aachen Institute of Computational Engineering Sciences (AICES). The Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Department of Cell Biology, RWTH Aachen University Medical School and Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University was established in 2003 and studies (1) genetic programs that determine cell identity and developmental potential, with a focus on hematopoietic stem cells and their differentiated progeny, and (2) stem cell reprogramming and induction of pluripotency (Hacker et al., Nat. Immunol. 2003; Hieronymus et al., J. Immunol. 2005; Ruau et al., Stem Cells 2008; Kim et al., Nature 2008). AICES was established in 2007 as RWTH Graduate School within the Excellence Initiative of the Federal Government of Germany. Qualifications and experience: The successful candidates should have experience with standard techniques in bioinformatics, in particular with gene expression profiling and data mining. Salary will be according to TV-L scale depending on qualification. The position is available immediately and initially funded for 3 years, an extension is possible. The RWTH is an equal opportunity employer, committed to employ handicapped individuals and to increase the number of female employees. Applications including full CV and contact information of 2 referees should be sent by e-mail to martin.zenke at and schuppert at --- David Ruau Institute for Biomedical Engineering -Cell Biology- Universitatsklinikum Aachen, RWTH Pauwelsstrasse 30 52074 Aachen GERMANY email: David.Ruau at Tel: +49 - 241 - 80 - 80 - 761 Fax: +49 - 241 - 80 - 82 - 008