Hello people, I've spent the past 14 years or so working on a series of patches for OpenSSH to improve throughput in high performance environments. This originally started as a way to deal with windowing issues on long fat networks for the transfer of bulk data. If you aren't familiar with this work you can find more information at https://www.psc.edu/index.php/hpn-ssh I've recently received a grant from the National Science Foundation to incorporate new advances into HPN-SSH (NSF Award#: 2004012). The end goal being to meet the needs of researchers, users, institutions, and other organizations with high performance data transfer needs. As part of this project I've been soliciting input from users and stakeholders to help guide the direction of development over the next two years. More information about the project and our goals can be found at https://www.psc.edu/hpn-ssh/community-guide. We've also developed an anonymous short survey on Google Forms at https://forms.gle/drt1js79pzNuJdjD6 If you have the time and inclination to give me your input on the development of HPN-SSH I would appreciate it. Thank you all for your time and the constant work that goes into developing OpenSSH. Chris Rapier